thirty three

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Nini feels herself getting nervous as she pulls up to the cafe. Why is her stomach in knots?

She doesn't get this nervous when she's hanging out with anyone else. It seems to only be with Ricky.

Nini's phone dings, showing a text from Ricky saying he's at a table at the cafe whenever she gets there.

Nini looks at the text, taking a deep breath.

She unbuckles and exits her car, walking into the cafe. She quickly sees Ricky at a table and walks over, smiling without even thinking.

"Hey," Nini breathes out once she arrives.

"Hey." Ricky smiles back.

He wasn't in the best mood before this, considering he was going to the park to get away from his father, but Nini seems to brighten his day every time he sees her.

"Sorry I look like such a mess. The wig cap always leaves my hair crazy and I left my makeup remover at home," Nini explains.

Ricky shakes his head. "I don't think you know what a mess looks like, because you most certainly do not look like one."

Nini laughs lightly, not really knowing how to respond.

Ricky gives her a goofy smile. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah! Let's do it."

The two walk over to the counter.

"Hi! How may I help you today?" The barista cheerfully asks.

"I'll have a regular ginger tea please," Nini orders.

"And I'll have an Americano," Ricky adds on, handing the barista his debit card.

"You don't have to buy my drink, Ricky," Nini urges, feeling bad for taking his money.

"I'd like to. If you'll let me." Ricky repeats what Nini said to him just the other day.

Nini lets out a breathy laugh, recognizing his choice of words. "Fair enough."

The barista takes his card and completes the transaction.

"Your order will be out soon."

Ricky and Nini head back to their table.

"Do you mind me asking why ginger tea?"

"Oh, I just stay away from caffeine," Nini tries to brush off.

"Why is that?"

Because it's an appetite suppressant and I would probably relapse, Nini thinks to herself.

"Just personal reasons." Nini shrugs, avoiding eye contact.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I just, um." Ricky starts to panic. What did he do wrong?

Nini looks back to him. "Don't worry about it! It's just something I'm not really ready to share yet, if that's alright."

"No, that's completely valid. There are plenty of things I'm not ready to talk about either," Ricky starts to ramble. "Like my dad, for example. Where do I even start on that?" He chuckles awkwardly.

They fall silent.

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here, Ricky."

Ricky purses his lips together, thinking for a moment before he speaks again.

"Thank you, Neens."

Nini raises an eyebrow, lightly teasingly. "What, no 'Princess'?"

Ricky chuckles softly. "You're still definitely a princess, but Neens feels more fitting right now."

"What made you start calling me 'Princess', anyway?"

"Well, you'd have to be blind to ignore how pretty you are, so that's part of it, but it's also how you carry yourself. You're kind, and you always seem to put others before you. You've been hurt, but you don't let it take over your life," Ricky explains.

Nini tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "You think I'm pretty?"

Ricky scoffs. "Pretty is an understatement."

Nini scrunches her nose. "I feel like you're just saying that."

"You can believe what you want, but I'd like you to know that I think you're beautiful."

Ricky says this so casually that it surprises the both of them. Sure, Ricky has had experience flirting before, but talking to her like this feel so natural. He's not used to feeling so comfortable with someone he hardly knows.

Nini looks at him with her wide doe eyes.

"Pinky swear?" She asks in a soft voice, holding up her pinky.

Ricky interlocks his pinky with hers. "Super pinky swear."

They sit there for a minute, staring into each other's eyes with their pinkies interlocked. They know it must look weird, but it feels so... right.

"Ricky! Your ginger tea and Americano!" The barista calls, breaking them out of their trance.

"I'll grab them," Ricky says, getting up to grab the drinks.

What the hell just happened? Nini thinks to herself.

That entire situation happened so quickly that she still hasn't processed it.

The rest of their time at the cafe is spent talking about anything and everything, from how much they love their friends to their favorite spot in Salt Lake.

Ricky hasn't been too many places here yet, considering he moved here recently, so Nini tells him she needs to take him to Red Butte Garden sometime.

"It's so pretty! It's this huge botanical garden with a pond, and sometimes concerts are hosted there. It's on the University of Utah campus, but lots of people go."

"That sounds really cool," Ricky says with a smile.

"Let's go next weekend. I don't work on Sunday. Are you free?" Nini asks excitedly.

"I should be."

Ricky is really excited about this. None of his other friends have offered to show him around SLC in the slightest, and it feels good to know someone wants him to like it here.

"Perfect. I can pick you up around ten and we'll head over!" Nini excitedly decides.

Ricky's smile grows. "I'll be looking forward to it."

"Great. That's great," Nini confirms happily before checking her phone for the time, noticing her missed messages.

When are you coming home?


The time now is 7:04.

"Oh gosh, I have to get home. I didn't realize how late it's gotten." Nini looks back up at Ricky.

"Oh, yeah, totally," Ricky agrees.

"Don't stay out too late. I don't want to hear a police report on the news tomorrow about a local SLC boy being kidnapped or anything," Nini jokes.

Ricky lets out a laugh, despite not wanting to be reminded of going home.

"Yeah, I'll get home before it's too dark. It was really nice talking with you, Princess. Thank you."

"Of course, Ricky. I really enjoyed this." Nini says delicately.

With that, Nini heads home from the cafe.


yep yep 😌😌 another rini hangout


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