Chapter#30: Jenifer

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Hello!! Hope you all are doing well. I'm back with another on my birthday. 😊
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The English class was about to end in few minutes and today I wasn't really enjoying it though I liked English. I knew I was going to face Issac after class but I didn't want to listen to any of his words.

If I could accept the apology of Tristan then why not Issac. Regardless of the fact that Tristan actually got me on bed while Issac touched me a bit.
My brain kept asking me questions and my heart kept putting lame excuses.

"Ms. Wordsworth. Are you done writing your essay?"  Mrs. Paul asked me pulling me out of my world.

I looked at my page which was almost blank with a brainstorming cloud at the middle.
I stood up "Umm ma'am ... I'm brainstorming the points." I replied.

"Yeah I can see that pretty much." She said fixing her glasses on her nose.
"I hope this gets completed by tomorrow."

"I'll do it by time." I said reassuring her and sat back on the chair.

The minute the class was over, I ran to my locker. I took a breath of relaxation as I didn't see Issac near my locker. I left my books in the locker and turned towards the library.

I was sure Issac would be waiting for me in the cafe with a long explanation so I decided to avoid him.
I went to the library with my sketchpad which I carry everywhere. I need to relax my mind with some doodling. I sat at the corner table so nobody could see me through the glass doors of library.

I began to move my pencil on the paper. I was so indulged in my doodling that I didn't notice a girl standing beside me. She had short curly black hair with a little dark complexion. She had chubby cheeks and a tiny but crooked nose. She was wearing black glasses with a smile on her face.

"Nice art." She complimented.
"Thanks" I replied.
She came and sat next to me. She had few books in her hand and looks like she was struggling with something.

I kept looking at her. She was trying to do something with her protractor.
"May I help you?" I asked
She lifted her face and smiled gently "You're from architecture class?"

"Yeah" I replied.
So I helped her out with angles, wall angles and shadows. I had a great time explaining her as she concentrated like a good girl. We exchanged numbers and probably became friends. She was different from the other girls in the college I had seen.


After break I went to my locker to take out some stuff when I heard my name and the voice was familiar.
Issac .
I didn't turn and kept taking out my books. He placed his hand on my shoulder which irritated me a lot.
His touch was not accepted by my body. I turned my head "Its better Mr Issac that you leave me alone. I'm already pissed off, don't ruin my day anymore."

"Listen to me." He said but I kept walking along the corridors. He followed me.
"My intentions were not wrong. It just happened." He kept blabbering.
"Bella, you can't leave like this." He almost screamed.

I was near my class but before walking in I said "Leave me alone. Do you get it or you want me to hurt your head?" I was so mad at him and I spoke whatever came to my mind though the words were quit childish and rude at the same time.

I took the remaining classes and there was no sign of Issac anymore.
At the end of the day, I was moving towards the parking lot when I spotted Issac near my bike with his hands folded. I rolled my eyes.

"Move" I said harshly.
"Listen to me first" he pleaded.
I said with a calming tone "I'm already so done with my day and my head is hurting. Don't want to talk to you, please leave."
"I'll heal your pain just give me another chance. My actions didn't meant something wrong."  He said.

"OK fine I accept your apology but leave my path now."  I said giving up.
He shook his head in disapproval.

"Issac don't try to test my patience. I'm already having mood swings and apart from that my head is aching due to  over thinking. So just leave m.." Before I would complete my sentence Issac crashed his lips onto mine which made me go even more mad at him. I released myself from his grip and slapped his face.
The slap was a reflex action or I would like to say according to Newtons third law ' Every action has equal but opposite reaction' ... so was it.

{Explained it in the angle of both biology & physics ;-) }

He was astonished at my reaction and stared me for five seconds. Before any one of us would speak anything I saw Jenifer (new friend) standing at the back watching the whole scene.
After break she asked me to give me a ride home & I agreed to it and now I regretted it coz she saw everything.  She was probably waiting for me.
I felt so embarrassed by the scene Issac created.
My eyes started to fill wiht tears but I tried to pretend like a brave lioness as I  had done always and so kept them inside.

Without any more words Issac turned away his pale face and walked away disappearing from my sight.
After  few minutes Jenifer came near me and I pointed her to sit on the bike. She followed as I told her to.
We didn't exchange a word during our ride home. We both were shocked at whatever happened in the parking lot.


I came back home, changed into my PJs. I took a pain killer and laid on the bed to sleep. I texted Zed that I won't be able to come today since I wasn't well. Then I switched off the phone and closed my eyes to sleep.


Don't you think the chapter name should be SLAP or something hard like that but yeah I wanted to keep that a secret 😉
Take care!!

Love, AA 🌸

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