The Castle Life

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You wake up to the sounds of birds chirping with the window wide open. The view was so breath taking. The sun was out and the grass was lined with pink and purple flowers.

"Ma'am?" your guard called from behind the door.

"Yes?" you questioned.

"Its 9:00. Better get up if you wanted to talk to your parents today," he said, "you better get a move on before they leave."

They were leaving to vist a village! "Oh, right," you got out of bed, not really caring what you looked like. Your night gown swayed behind you as you ran.

"Ha look at the loser run!" your sister yelled after you. You ran faster trying to get to your parents room before they leave.

"Mum? Pa?" you poked your head threw the door.

"Yes, darling?" your mom said packing her things into a bag.

"Uh, well I wanted to ask this for awhile now... and I know its not good timing," you said, looking at the floor.

"What is it (y/n)?" your father asked, coming out of the bathroom.

"Well, I dont like private school much, and I was thinking that maybe I could y'know," you closed your eyes to say the last part, "go to public school".

You opened one eye and saw your parents staring at eachother and at you. "(y/n), why?" your mother asked, dumbfounded.

"Well, I dont get to make many decisions by myself. Heck, you guys already decided who I am to wed!" you said, "so im asking you now because I really want to go to a public school I mean no one knows my face and I dont like how you have to wear ichy uniforms."

Your mother sighed "We will talk about it and tell you before we leave." You nodded and left. About a hour before they had to leave they called for you. "Yes mum" you asked well bowing.

"Your father and I have talked it through although we dont like the idea but you are right you dont get much say in your life and well we will grate you permission to attened a public school..." she trailed off.

" Really!" your (e/c) eyes grow big and glimmed of excitement. "

"Yes but there is some rules" your father pointed out. You nodded to excited to even listen to the rules but you heard most of them two stuck out the most.

"You are to come back and wed Irwin when you are 18 and no falling for any of the village boys do you understand" your father said with a stern voice.

You nodded slowly to let him know you understood.

"Ok well we must be going and you must be getting ready we will send Garry with you". God not Garry anyone but Garry he was the must annyoy Garison that was known in the castle.

"He will be watching you and if any of the rules seem to be endanger he will send you back" your mother said before walking out the door.

You skipped to your room singing random songs getting ready for a new public school!

To Be Normal. (Eren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now