Welcome to the Survey Corps

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Armins P.O.V

Something feels off I may be sleeping but something feels wrong. I opened my eyes to find that there was only one body in the train and it was Mikasa.

"Mikasa" I shook her she peeked a eye open.

"Hmm?" She rolled over trying to go back to sleep.

"Wheres Eren and (y/n)" she shot up and looked over to where they were sleeping.

"Fuck Eren you moron" she groaned.

  "What?" I started to panic what if something happened to them?

  "Nothing but I dont think they're not in the station anymore." she got up and throw on her slippers and jackets

  "You coming she turned to me?" She asked not even turning her head.

"Yea" I pulled my sweater over my head and put on some slippers.

We made our way out and saw not a single soul out.

  "Come on" Mikasa started walking forward as if she knew where she was going.

"We're we going" I asked looking around at how the sight was so breath taking.

"He was blabbling on about proposing and asked if I would get a ring so I got one from the dollar store" she smiled but it dropped.

"I told him it was temperary until we got money to get a real one and then I warned him to wait till morning. When more people were out just incase we were followed and the idiot didnt listen to me." her gaze dropped to the ground.

"I'm worried something has happened to him" she stopped dead in her tracks after saying that.

"Mikasa are you-" my mouth dropped it was Erens shoe on the ground and the plastic happy face ring laid next to it.

  She bent down to pick it up as she did so a hand grabbed my mouth and dragged me to a black truck blindfolding me then I heard Mikasa scream and got thrown it calling profanitys at them.

  "Tch brat you got to calm your tits" a voice said I reconize that voice.

"Mr. Ackerman?"  

"Tch names Levi in this case" we drove off to god knows were kidnapped by our teacher.

Mikasas P.O.V

I sat there blindfolded I would of taken them out if I wasn't distracted by Erens shoe and the ring. All I heard was Armin talking to Mr. Ackerman asking questions as Levi declined to answer them.

"We're here sir" the driver announced.

"Great now take the brats and show them in ill be in with gear we gotta move tonight."

We were lead out of the car and up steps into what I expect to be a building.

"Can you take off our blindfolds off now" I said coldly. The man came up behind me and removed the blind fold I turned around and tried not to laugh he looked like a horse.

  "Hello there new recruit names Jean" he smiled at me I just turned my head and faced a still blindfolded Armin.

A freckled guy came up behind him and undid his blindfold we stared at eachother in confusion on why we are here.

  "Nice to meet you guys names Marco" freckled guy said.

  "Nice to meet you my name is Armin and this is Ouch!" I kicked him in the shin and gave him a glare to tell him not to give out our names.

  "Welcome" Mr. Ackerman came out in a uniform that consisted of white pants,grey shirt, white scarf, brown belt, and a short light brown jacket with wings on it.

His face never changing expression. "Welcome to the Survey Corps" no way.

  He started telling us the history of the Survey Corps and just how they were a secret organization built to take down the king and queen and their daughter Annie. I corrected him.

  "You mean (Y/N)" he looked at me as if I was insane this coming from a guy who wants to take down the monarchy.

"As far as we know they only have one daughter her name is Annie but what I have learned from years of watching them and studying their past there was another girl but she was never shown in public and the only picture taken of her she looked nothing like there highnest" he said.

"So wouldn't that mean shes adopted?" the horse face questioned.

"Thats a possibility" Jean piped in.

"But why would they want her to marry the prince why not there own daughter?" Armin interrupted.

"I dont know you coconut boy I dont know." Jean shrugged.

"Why does everyone think im a coconut?" Armin yelled!

"Hey at least they dont call you horse." Jean laughed.

  "Shut up horse face" Armin mummbled.

  "Ok so we have to come up with a plan tonight to save atleast one of your friends the other will have to wait" Levi said stopping the arguement between Jean and Armin.

  "Which one would be a easier one?" Marco questioned.

  "The girl they would have the boy guarded at all time awaiting his trial." he then turned to Armin and I.

  "You two will go to the trial in the morning and bring us back the verdict depending on that will depend on our course of action." we nodded he turned back to Jeanie horse.

"Bring them to the supply room."
with that he left our whole lifes turned within a matter of hours.

A/N :D Just had to add the every so amazing Survey Corps :3

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