Sleep over

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As the week progress you and Mikasa became really close friends. You became her only female friend she mostly hung out with Armin and from what they told you her adoptive brother.

I believe they said his name was Eren that and everytime the teacher would do role calls he would always say Eren Jaeger and no one would answer. As you sat at lunch Mikasa was talking about a sleepover tommrow because it was Friday.

"So what do you think (y/n) would you like to have a sleepover?" you focused your attention back on her and nodded but then asked "what about ur brothers cold?"

She snickered "hes faking it now so he doesnt have to come back to school until Monday" you giggled agreeing now the only thing you had to do was ask your grandmother and get Garry to stay home.

-Time Skip-

After school you ran home. "Nana" you called your grandmother peeked her head through the doorway of the kitchen.

"Yes buttercup?" a delicious smell came from the kitchen.

"Mmmm what are you making" you smiled as you lifted your noise in the direction of the oven.

  "O its brownies today is Nancys birthday and we always make eachother brownies" she smiled.

"Hey nana I have a question to ask you..." you trailed off afraid of the answer.

  "Go ahead darling" she cooed as she reached in the oven to take out the brownies.

"Well see I made a really good friend at school today and um well she was wondering if after school tommrow if I could go to her house for a sleep over" you said eyes big and hope written all over them.

Your grandmother laughed at the face that you were making. "I guess so but you will have to take it up with Garry" your face dropped hoping that Garry was drunk enough to agree.  As you walked to his room you can hear him singing.

"Dont Go Breaking My Heart" you giggled yep hes drunk. "Garry?" you said as you poked your head in his door.

OMG your eyes went wide as he was singing to a picture of Racheal one of the palace maids. "What d-do y-ou w-ant" he slurred his eyes twitching.

"Umm well I was wondering if I could go to a friends house tommrow?" you questioned unsure if the sight infront of you was funny or pittyful.

  "I dont care now leave me and Racheal along". Gewd hes just a messed up drunk. you giggled and skipped to your room happy he said ok. You got on the phone that sat on your dresser and dialed Mikasa's number.

After two rings a boy picked up "Hello?"
  "Hi is Mikasa there?" you asked this must be her brother... "Yea let me go get her" the boy said after a few seconds of silence you heard screaming on the other side of the phone. 

"MIKASA ITS YOUR FRIEND" the boy yelled.

"OI BRING ME THE PHONE" you could hear Mikasa yell in the distance. After a few minutes of silence Mikasa got on the other line.

"Hey so what did they say?" she asked all excited. "Nana said yes my dad said he doesnt care" you lied about Garry being your dad but that was the cover up.

"Great so pack your things and swing by before the bus comes tommrow to drop them off" she squealed.

"Ow Mikasa my ear" you giggled "right sorry" after she hung up you danced happily.

  My first sleepover at someone elses house and they arent people my parents force me to be friends with you squealed at the thought. Fastly falling asleep.

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