Our Story

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You sat in your room crying it was never touched since you left so it looked as if a 10 year old still lived in it. Flashbacks coming to you from when you first met him.


"Eren I dont know" you said looking at the rollercoaster in front of you.

"Come on (Y/n) dont be a chicken" he started laughing and making clucking noises at you.

"Am not I just think its for babies" you stuck your tongue out.

  "Then it would be no problem." he grabbed your hand and lead you to the monster coaster.

You closed your eyes when they buckled you up.

"Eren I lied I am a chicken."

"To late" he laughed you guys were at the top of the coaster and it looked like a 1,000 foot drop. You didnt really know but you were to scared so you buried your face into his shoulder.

"You will be fine" he said ruffling your hair before the coaster went off.

"Ahhh Eren  you jerk" you yelled he laughed taking your hand.

  "You know you l-" a fly flew into his mouth making him cough you giggled.

When the coaster came to a end his mom came running up.

"There you two are Eren what did I tell you about wondering off?" she scolded the boy he rolled his eyes she took ahold of his ear.

"Come one we are gonna have a talk to your father about this." you giggled as Mikasa came up and asked if you wanted to go on the go-carts.

"Bet you there" you started running laughing as she called.


-End of Flashback-

You believed your eyes were to dried. Tears stopped falling and you laid there just remembering all the times you had with him.


"Hey why are you sitting alone?" Eren asked as he came to sit next to you in music class.

"I just feel antisocial today" you laughed brushing hair behind your ear.

  "Well now you cant" he smiled making you blush that was when you first felt that feeling for him the feeling of heat rising and your body tingling from nerves.

-End of Flashback-

Ugh stop thinking about him your only gonna make yourself cry more. I wonder where he is right now.

Eren's P.O.V

I have been sitting here staring at the wall they had me chained up like a monster.  When all I did was take the girl I loved and ran away  with her.

  "Yea she will be known as the runaway bride" laughed the guards I was to weak to yell at them. I closed my eyes and remembered when we were once at the park.


"Eren I'll be the Captian and you are the first wait I change my mind your the poop deck janitor!"she laughed.

  "I dont think thats even a role (Y/n)" I laughted falling over.

"O then you're  a sailor then." she giggled.
"I I captian" I picked up a stick and started poking her.

"Oi what are your doing!" she bursted out laughing pushing the stick I ran up and screamed.

"I'm taking this ship captain!" she looked at me scared and I pushed her down the slide.

She went down screaming and once out she yelled "traitor!" I felled over laughing.

-end of flashback-

"Eren Jaeger" I looked up to see a garrison but it wasnt Garry thank the lord.

"You are wanted in court." he lead me out as I walked past all the guards as they where throwing trash at me calling me names.

But the one they keeped calling out was "Lover Boy!"  I wanted nothing to do with them so I blocked them out with a flashback


I was sitting on the couch opposite of Mikasa and (Y/n) she keeped looking over at me and my attention was pulled away from the movie. I stuck my tongue out at her she giggled at threw a piece of popcorn in my face.

"Hey" I whispered Mikasa shot both of us the shut up glare she took a piece of popcorn and tossed it at her.

She lounged at (y/n) and they were having a wrestling match on the ground ending in a chorus of laughter.

-end of Flashback-

I was in a court room still chained but to a chair this time.

"All rise for the King" the king came in and sat in the throne.

"Sit" everyone sat down I scanned the crowd and saw two people with hoods over their heads.

"Eren Jaeger you are charged with kidnap of the princess which is punishable by death what is your defense?" I looked up at him.

  "I love her sir." I looked down as a tear felled from my face.

He laughed "Love between a princess and a village boy ha you amuse me!"

I looked at him eyes full of hate "I do sir and I dont think status should matter!"

"Oh well it does you silly child I sentence you" he was cut off by a blond girl who was dressed in a nice dress. She whispered something in his ear.

"I changed my mind you may live" my eyes glimmed of excitement.

"But you must marry Princess Annie" then my heart shattered.

'Marry someone I dont love now I know how (y/n) felt'.

Armins P.O.V

"But you must marry Princess Annie" the words shattered threw my ears and a memories came to me.


We were at the school playground me and Eren were sitting under a tree as the girls played on the monkey bars.

"Armin" Eren spoke up finally breaking the silence.

"Hmm?"I hummed.

"I think I like (y/n)" he smiled she was the first girl that he ever told anyone he liked.

"Eren thats great" I whispered to him he leaned in whispering.

"Dont tell her ok" I nodded with a smile on my face my friend was growing up so fast.

-End of Flashback-

Now his dreams were shattered as he is forced to marry her adoptive sister Annie.

Mikasa's P.O.V

My face felled when I heard the verdict no this can't be they can't force him to marry her. I still remember a day when I saw the spark between him and (y/n).


Eren chased down the icecream truck and got it to stop.

  "Two (y/f/ice cream) on cones please with sprinkles" the woman smiled and gave him the ice cream.

  "Here (y/n)" he said as he ran up to her. 

"Thanks Eren you didn't have to I was just kidding" she smiled.

He blushed and I just sat there drinking my smoothie I really wasn't a ice cream fan. They just had this spark when they talked and the sweet things he did for her.

I knew he liked her and she told me she liked him so why didn't they just date I thought at the time now I know why it took forever she was scared.

-End of Flashback-

Armin and I got up and started walking out of the courtroom opration save the princess was already in place, and now we have the information about Eren. He will be our next priority and we will have to act soon.

To Be Normal. (Eren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now