Wedding Crashers

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Erens P.O.V

I sat in the ceil still chained to the floor tears streaming down my face.
"Id rather die then marry someone I have no feelings for." I kept saying to myself imagines of (y/n) flashing threw my mind. Tommrow I am to wed I will become a husband to a girl that I don't love.

Your P.O.V

It was the day of the wedding and if you were going to stop it then it will be stopped today otherwise it would be to late. You sat in the van watching the building go by thoughts rolling threw you head.

-flash back-

"Happy Birthday Eren" you yelled running up to the birthday boy at school he turns around and held his arms out for a hug.
You missed miserably and ended up with both of you on the ground laughing uncontrollably.  "Haha thanks" he laughted you giggled and got up helping him back to his feet.
"Lets try that again" he said pulling you into a hug sending butterflies soring threw you stomach his arms were the place you wanted to be.

-End of Flashback-

You guys pulled up a block away from the church everyone pulling on their 3DMG gear Levi tell them what side of the cgurch they were to be stationed on.
"Move out" he yelled and they went soring threw the sky to roof tops. You did the same and made your way to a building infront of the church crouching done so you were not seen.

Erens P.O.V

I was being hailed to the church dressed in a tux and hand cuffed. Tears filled my eyes as they stopped infront leading me out and threw the back of the building.
As we walked I swore I saw a flash of green in the sky sending hope that it might be a scout but then I shock that out of my head saying it was false hope.
They pulled me into a room and sat me on the couch telling me they will be back. I saw Annie walk by the door to her room hate filling my eyes.

Your P.O.V

When the church doors had closed you turned on your walkie waiting for Petras que. You sat there distracted thinking of all the times that you talked about weddings and the games you guys played when you were little


Mikasa was the priest and you and Eren were the bride and groom although to make it funny Eren was the bride.
"I now pronoce you Mr. and Mrs. (Y/l) you may now punch your bride" you giggled as Eren said what you punched his arm giggling. "Now your prego" you laughed as you shoved a toy baby up his shirt and Mikasa burst out laughing you guys were only 10.

-End of Flashback-

Now you had to crash his wedding then the walkie went off "now hes saying the line now".

Erens P.O.V

I stood there still handcuffed and shackled in case I tried to flee when I heard the priest say.
"If anyone regects to this union please speech now or forever hold you peace" with that the door flung open a person with a green cape stood there. Hood pulled over there head wind sweeping it to the right they looked up and (e/c) orbs were visable it was her...

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