Operation Princess

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Levis P.O.V

Once Armin and Mikasa had left to the trail we had no time to waste and sprune into action we took the 3DMG gear and split up approaching the castle with our inside spy Petra who worked as one of many maids had told us how to find the room.

  "Levi" my walkie went off it was Horse face.

"Levi here" I replied slightly irritated.

"Levi we have a problem." with that I stopped dead in my tracks.

  "What kind of problem" I asked to scared of what the horsie would say.

"Sir its idk why but its a titan..." my eyes went wide we havent seen one in over 1m years ago.

"Not possosible" I said into the walkie.

"Sir I see it with my two eyes and it has Marco."

"Save him you fool!" I yelled into the walkie it went quiet.

"Jean?" I asked worried the moron got killed.
"Sir hes dead" he cried into the walkie.

  "Get back here now" I ordered him he was with me in a matter of minutes.

"What happened did it eat him?" He looked down.

  "No sir it shorta ripped him in half as he tried to enter the window" Jean replied tears rolling down his eyes.

  "How the hell did they get a titan my anseters killed the beasts years ago?" I watched as half the men where killed leaving Jean, Connie, Sasha and myself.

  "Ok guy we have a abnormal it doesnt eat and knows how to protect itself we mist out smart it if we want to get into that castles."

I told the brave men and woman who where left. We moved out Connie and Sasha where to get the girl, Jean and I where to distract the hideous derpie beast.

  We swung from tree to tree as the beast tried to descide who was its target we cant kill it so why not distract it we kept it up leading the damn thing away from the castle Sasha and Connie made it in.

Your P.O.V

Your eyes still covered in dried tears and mouth dried from screaming you buried your head into the pillow. They probably sentenced him to death I just know it how come I had to be so abnormal? Wanting to go to a public school why did I have to meet him?

You were so deep in thought you didnt notice a guy burst into the room.

"Come on" he yelled taking you out of thought but you didn't move.

"Come on!" he ran up to you picking you up and carrying you out over his shoulder. A girl was standing guard outside the door and followed the boy when he came out.

They ran to the closet window he set you down and told you to jump. As he bent down for you to jump on his back you got on and a rope extended from his belt as he glided to a tree he then pulled out a gun thing is he gonna kill you he pointed it up and shot a gold smoke signal. He motioned you to get back on and you did.

Levi P.O.V

Gold smoke filled the air they got her.

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