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Billies pov:
December 30, wednesday

Billie: drew whats wrong?-i said as i saw drew crying

Drew: hes dead-she struggled to say and my heart beat immediately raised

Billie: w-what? Who?-i said but saw that she couldnt get out the words and that she was ab to have an anxiety attack-drew calm down, look at me-i said placing my hands over her shoulders making her look at me. After a few minutes i was able to calm her down a little bit-whos dead drew?-i asked visibly scared and she looked at me shaking her hand

Drew: no! God, no! Not brandon!-she said and i released a sigh placing my hand over my chest as a sign of relief-liam, he didnt make it-she said starting to cry again

Liam was an old friend of us, mainly drew, that was fighting w cancer

Billie: drew...-i said not actually knowing what to say so i just hugged her-its okay, i got you, cry as much as you want, i got you-she hugged me putting her head in my shoulder as she cried

Maggie: billie-my mom screamed coming out of the hospital-you have a moment?-she asked looking serious

Billie: really? Rn?-i said pointing to drew who was still crying on my shoulder

Maggie: im sorry drew but its important, its brandon-she said making me tense up

Drew: its okay, go, im going home anyways-drew said cracking a smile as she wipped her tears away. I hugged her again before placing a soft kiss on her forehead

Billie: im so sorry ab liam, i'll call you later so we can talk more okay? I love you, text me when you get home-drew nodded before waving to my mom and leaving-what is it?

Maggie: you'll know once we're there

Adam: since the last time it was what it was, we tought it would be better to call you in this-he said right before doctor max and doctor mark walked in

Doctor mark: okay, so, kayla, adam...billie-he looked at me-brandon hasnt show any brain reaction, which led us to think he had brain death, but earlier today two nurses reported that they saw him move one of his toes and mumble things-he said and i looked over brandon smiling at him-so we're running a a few tests to improve or disapprove brain death, but for now, we wanted to know the procedures to be followed in case of a cardiac arrest, even if there is no brain death, we still need to find out what is putting him in a coma, not to mention his other health problems, such as his heart that may not withstand another surgery, we want to know if you want to sign the order not to resuscitate, where basically his mother or father will have to sign some documents that say that if brandon goes into cardiac or respiratory arrest we should not resuscitate him-he paused-i will leave the papers here so that you have more time to read it and understand it, any doubts, you can ask nurse aimee and tell her your decision once its made as well-he finished putting a few papers in a little table in front of brandons bed as they walked out of the room

I walked towards brandon bed giving him a forehead kiss

Billie: so proud of you-i whispired in his ear before smiling and looking over kayla and adam

Adam: i'll read it out loud so that you two can hear it-he said starting to read all the papers. Honestly, the only thing i was focused on was the fact that everything was on kaylas hand rn. Me and her are not in good terms at all. Shes not even allowed to see tyler anymore-so...?-he asked as he finished reading

Billie: ion agree-i simply said shaking my head as adam looked at kayla waiting for an answer

Kayla: idk, idk yet-she said bitting one of her nails making me roll my eyes and ironically chuckle

Billie: im gonna see my daughter, can you call if anything happens please?-i asked adam and he nodded smiling before i kissed brandons forehead again and left the room going towards tyler-hi love-i said seeing her through the glass window as always-two more months and youre free to get out of here-i said in a baby voice-you know, your daddy is making some good progress, and so are you, youre so strong-i continued-cant wait for you to be out of here-i sighed starting to tear up

Lately i was feeling extremely lonely. I still have no contact w my dad. My mom and i are fine but its not the same anymore. Fin and claudia are away and always busy w their works and college. Gawa and prince where struggling a lot w school so they started to actually focus wich meant that we saw each other and they stayed on their phone much less. Zoe is on a trip w adam, her boyfriend, and her family and she doesnt have internet there so we dont have contact. Drews dad lost his job so their w a few financial needs wich is putting drew really down, besides liams cancer getting worse before his death, and she also has a job to help her parents so shes been a little out lately. Adam is always working his ass off to pay for all of brandons needs and ion talk to kayla. I literally have no one.

A/n: weird that first chapter is already chapter 31 but idk lmao💀

Anyways, hiiii, sorry this is coming so late, i had to take a nap since i was feeling like my head was gonna explode

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