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3rd person pov

Billie, brandon, tyler and kayla have been in the hospital for hours now, tyler was checked and they were now gonna talk to doctor peter, tylers pediatrician

Doctor peter: okay so after seeing tylers symptoms, electrocardiogram and ultrasound, my diagnosis is kawasaki disease, it is a disease that causes inflammation in the walls of blood vessels throughout the body. The cause of this disease is still unknown but evidences suggest that a virus or other infectious organism triggers an abnormal immune system response in genetically predisposed children.  Inflammation of the hearts blood vessels causes more serious problems and can also spread to other parts of the body such as the pancreas and kidneys, which can then lead those organs to bankruptcy. Although this disease is deadly, you brought tyler really early so we can treat her, shes gonna have to stay here for at least 5 days taking high doses of immunoglobulin for 11h a day and high doses of oral acetylsalicylic acid 4 times a day, she should be better by the end of the 5th day-he finished. Althought the doctor said that tyler would be better, billie was still feeling nervous and anxious, it was the first time that tyler had anything, she wasnt prepared

After a couple questions and signing things, tyler was finally in a room

Bil: im in love but not w anybody here, i see you in a couple years-billie finished singing seeing that tyler was asleep already.

Both billie and brandon convinced kayla that it was fine for her to go home ao only the two of them were there.

Brandon was pretending to be reading a book but he was actually appreciating that moment, watching the two loves of his life cuddled on the bed, one singing to the other.

Bils pov

I finally climbed out of the bed, covering tyler as i thought ab a way to talk to brandon

Bil: tani went to our-

Brandon: your-he cut me

Bil: i thought that it was ours-i said walking towards the couch he was sitting and sitting in the other side of it

Brandon: i thought the same till you screamed at me to get out-he said still not looking at me

Bil: i-i sighed giving up. This wasnt going anywhere. I heard brandon sigh and close the book placing it on the lil table

Brandon: if ion tell you something its bc i have my reasons. You have no rights to go through my phone, thats disrespectuful and just shows how much you dont trust me-he said looking at the floor

Bil: im sorry, i do trust you. Its just not normal for you to lie to me, i got worried

Brandon: it doesnt justify anything billie

Bil: lying to me does? Trusting more on your ex than on me does? You think i waited months for you to wake up to then just leave you?

Brandon: its not ab that billie

Bil: than what is it? Tell me! Maybe if you talked to me i would know. You always tell me that communication is an important thing in a relashionship but you never practise-he sighed again shaking his head-when i have the smallest insecure you always make me feel better ab it, so please brandon, please let me make you feel better, let me in-i said and he finally looked at me and i was able to see his teary eyes. He sat closer to me, putting me into a warm hug and laying his head on my shoulder as he just sobbed and apologized

November 30, thursday

Bil: whos mommys lil baby? Yes its you!-i said in a baby voice as i giggled playing w ty. She was a lot better but her heart is not pumping enough blood so we're stayed here for a lil longer

Maggie: hi, hi my baby-my mom walked in w breakfast putting it in the table and running to hug tyler. I looked over the door seeing olivia and emma

Emma: hi billie!-emma hugged my legs

Bil: hi love-i hugged her and then she crawled on the bed playing w tyler. I looked up seeing that olivia was standing there, she looked nervous and she was always checking her phone, so i walked over her-hey, you okay?-she looked up

Olivia: yeah uhm, i just-she cut herself shaking her head

Bil: its okay, youre good-i assured her

Olivia: last time i was here it was when i found out my mom was in a coma and my dad was dead-she said and i could tell that she was ab to cry

Bil: mom, we'll be right back-i said and heard my mom reply "okay"-cmon, lets go get some fresh air

A/n: im gonna start writing a new book today🤭

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