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3rd person pov
July 1, saturday

Its been almost a month since brandons bday, emma and olivia where w finneas and claudia already. Olivia is 15 and emma is 8. Emma is a really nice kid but oliva is still a little bit shy.

Meanwhile, billie was freaking out ab the exams she did a few weeks ago, today was the day they were going to know the results

Brandon: mamas calm down, you studied, you did it great, dont worry, you'll have an A-brandon said trying to calm billie down, since she couldnt stop messing around from being anxious

Bil: no, brandoj im gonna have like an F, and then im not going to college, i have a daughter what am i gonna do-she said walking around the living room. Tyler, who was playing, felt her mothers anxiety and started to cry-shhh, no, its not your fault-billie said hugging tyler. Suddently the bell ring and brandon went to open the door, revealing finneas, claudia, emma and olivia

Emma: tyler!!!!-emma screamed excited running towards tyler trying to make her stop crying

Finneas: what did your mom do this time huh?-fin asked taking tyler from billies lap

Claudia: whats wrong?-claudia said sitting at the floor next to billie

Bil: im nervous, what if ion get to go to college?

Claudia: billie you studied your ass off for that shit, you got it-claudia tried to assure her

Olivia: uhm-olivia approached shyly-hey aunt billie, can i talk to you for a sec?-she said playing w her fingers, visibly nervous

Bil: ofc-billie said standing up and starting to walk towards her room, closing the door behind her-no need to call me aunt billie, im not 30 yet, im just 4y older than you-billie laughed as olivia just nodded-sit down-billie offered and they both sat at the bed

Olivia: so i just wanted to ask you something-she shyly said and billie nodded, montioning for her to talk-when i was peeing earlier today, this red substance came out w my pee, does that mean i got my-she did a pause-period?-she finally said

Bil: yeah, it does-billie smiled-have you told claudia?-billie asked and olivia immediately shook her head

Olivia: no! Please, dont tell her-she desperately said

Bil: olivia its okay, you can trust claudia, cuz i mean, i can give you tampons and shit now, but im just gonna keep giving? For the rest of our life?

Olivia: ion wanna give Finneas and claudia more things to waist many w me-she said looking down

Bil: olivia, both fin and claudia knew what they were getting into when they adopted you

Olivia: but-

Bil: you can trust claudia, i promise you-billie interruped her before standing up from the bed and opening the door calling claudia

Claudia: yeah?-claudia said entering the room

Bil: i'll leave so you can tell her okay?-billie encouraged olivia before getting out of the room seeing that finneas and emma where playing w tyler while brandon was cooking. She walked towards him and hugged him from behind

Brandon: is everything okay there?

Bil: yeah, nothing you need to worry ab baby

Brandon: i see youre more relaxed-he said turning around and hugging a billie too-i love you

Bil: i love you-she answered in a baby voice before pecking brandons lips

Fin: ew-finnead suddently appeared

Bil: not you being jelous-billie played showing him her middle finger

Fin: btch stop-fin slapped her hand-there kids here dumb ass-he said and billie showed him her tongue. Before fin could say anything else, billies computer received a notification

Bil: oh god-she said knowing that it was the exams result. She walked towards uer computer going into tematheil-i cant! Read it for me please-she said giving brandon the computer as he just giggled starting to read the email

Brandon: well-he said

Bil: que! Ima have a heart attack-she said

Brandon: A-   -he said standing up and hugging her-told you you would kill it

Fin: congrats sisi-fin joined the hug

Claudia: what happened?-claudia appeared w olivia following

Fin: billie got an A- at the exam

Claudia: baby!-claudia cheered hugging billie whem que and fin pulled away

Bil: did you read that right? Ion think you did-she pulled out of the hug getting the computer and reading again seeing that it was really an A-

Brandon: did i?-he said hugging her from behind

Olivia: not tryna ruin the moment but, inst smelling like burnt?-olivia suddently said making brandon immediatelly ran towards the kitchen

Brandon: oh shit-he said turning off the stoven-god-he said and they all laughed-guess we're gonna have to order something

Bil: ima call the others to know their grades-billie said taking off her phone and calling zor first

Call between bil and zoe
Bil: hey, did you got the email?

Zoe: yeah, i got a b+-she said sounding excited-you?

Bil: A--she cheered-ima call drew, i'll talk to you in a sec

Zoe: love you

Bil: love you-she said before hanging up

Bil: zoe got an B+-she said and everyone cheered-im gonna call drew now

Call between bil and drew
Drew: I GOT A FCKING A+-drew screamed as soon as she answered the call

Bil: god, my ears drew-billie giggled

Drew: im so proud of myself, hows yours?

Bil: A--billie said and drew screamed again

Drew: im so proud of you wth-she said

Bil: im so proud of you too love, im gonna call prince now, ft later?

Drew: for sure i wanna see ty

Bil: okay love you

Drew: love you-as soon as they hang up, billie told everyone ab drews grade and then called Prince

Call between bil and prince
Bil: hi asshole, hows your grade?

Prince: i would say that asshole is your mother but i love maggie too much-he giggled as billie playfully rolled her eyes-i had an B--he finally said-you?

Bil: A--she said and they both cheered

Prince: we gotta do a party

Bil: no, parties w you guys never go right-billie laughed-ima call gawa, bye asshole

Prince: bye stupid-after hanging up, once again, billie told the others princes grade and then called gawa

Call between bil and gawa
Bil: hiii

Gawa: hey bils

Bil: so...?

Gawa: guess im gonna have to go and round 2 of exams cuz i had a C+, not enough for college-he said and billie pouted

Bil: it was not that bad but dont worry, we all are gonna help you study-she said and he just sighed

Gawa: well, i gotta go but i'll text you

Bil: sure, bye

Gawa: bye

A/n: ik college doesnt really work like that, dont come at me please

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