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3rd person pov:

While kayla and billie talked outside, brandon got the opportunity to talk to adam so he could know what was going on, why billie was talking like that and what was all that tension inside the room

Brandom: hey dad?-brandon said and adam hummed looking at him-what happened between billie and mom? Theres a lot of tension between them and why is billie talking ab not letting someone in our house see tyler?-he asked and adam sighed before going to close the door

Adam: in this last weeks, things between your mom and billie havent really been okay

Brandon: why? They used to love each other, sometimes i felt like billie was her child and not me, wth happened?-adam sighed again sitting in a chair next to brandons bed

Adam: a few weeks ago, you werent doing so great and the doctors believed that you had brain death so they wanted kayla to sign the papers to turn off your appliances and declare you dead, your mom was gonna sign it cuz she didnt want you to go through the same thing tyler did-brandon nodded-but billie got here before kayla signed and she didnt like what was happening, she didnt like that kayla was gonna sign and let you die and didnt like that kayla didnt even told her before signing it so the two of them fought for days till they stopped talking to each other and billie forbade kayla to ever see tyler again-he said before sighing-i honestly thought that now that you were up they would just forget but doesnt really look like they are going to-he finished as brandon slowly nodded

Brandon: i do understand my moms side but billie had the right to know and have a word on it too-he said and adam nodded

Adam: its honestly something im not tryna involve myself into-he said and brandon nodded-when your mom finds out im telling you this-he laughed and so did brandon

Kayla: you told him what?-the door suddently opened revealing kayla

Billie: hi...-billie said to the nurse as she walked inside tylers room

Nurse: hi billie, look whos up-the nurse said looking at tyler. Billie slowly approached the incubator seeing that tyler was looking a lot more better

Billie: hi baby-billie said smiling at ty-i get to hold you today, can you believe it?-she said-and can you believe daddy is up?-she said and tyler looked at her-oh, so i tell you hi and you dont look at me, i tell you daddy is up and now you wanna look at me? Girl i gave you birth-billie said w her hand over her chest

Nurse: looks like someone is gonna be daddys girl-the nurse said laughing before starting to get tyler out of the incubator-you can sit right there-she said pointing to a breastfeeding chair in the corner of the room and as billie sat the nurse walked over her w tyler in her arms, softly and carefully placing her on billies arms making billie immediatelly start to tear up-be careful w the tubes, and you need to hold her head like this-the nurse said holding tylers head-so she wont gag on the milk or have difficulty breathing-she said and billie nodded

Billie: can i call her dad?-she asked still looking at tyler as the nurse nodded

Nurse: ofc-w a bit of difficulty billie got her phone out of her pocket and video called adam

Call between bil and adam
Adam: hey billie- whats wrong?- why you crying?-he asked everything really fast and billie just turned the phone showing tyler in her arms, making adam pout-hi baby, hello-he said waving at tyler

Billie: can you give brandon the phone please?

Adam: ofc-he said giving brandon the phone

Billie: ready to meet your daughter?-billie asked and he nodded smiling wide. She finally turned the phone showing tyler again and she could swear tylers eyes started to shine as soon as she saw her dad. Brandon immediatelly started to cry and wave as he saw tyler

Brandon: hi baby-he cried more-cant wait to hold you omg-he said crying more

Billie: im gonna put the phone there so you can see me breastfeed her okay?-she said and brandon hummed as he waved at tyler before starting to wipe his tears. Billie placed the phone in a little furniture where brandon could see both of them but tyler only could see billie and not brandon, wich made her immediatelly start to cry-no, tylerrrrr-billie whined-lemme give you food, arent you hungry?-she said but tyler didnt stop crying

Brandon: she wants meeee-brandon smirking showing billie his tongue as billie just rolled her eyes and changed tylers position so that now she could see brandon too. W that done she stopped crying just focusing on billies phone where brandon was smiling and waving at him while billie took her left boob out and placed it on tyler lips, after a while she opened her mouth and started to suck on billies boob making billie start to cry as she and brandon pouted at how cute that scene was

Billie: look at those lil lips-she pouted again-god your so cuteeee-billie was holding herself so hard to not grab tylers cheeks and squeeze it as much as she could

A/n: i hate my math teacher 😼

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