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Billies pov

Billie: no-i whispired when i felt tylers bag fall down. I slowly walked towards the room feeling tears run down my face. This isnt happening

Nurse: im sorry but you cant be here ma'am-a nurse tried to stop me when i entered the room seeing que laying on the bed, he had blood all over him

Billie: no pls no-i said feeling tears streaming down my face-this is a nighmare, this is a nightmare-i said as i fell down on my knees w my hands over my head feeling claudia and finneas approach me-pls tell me its a nightmare-i looked over finneas

Fin: billie, i-he tried to say but nothing came out

Bil: no-all i could do was cry. I lost the loml

3rd person pov
Feb 4, sunday

Today, and honestly the last two days, felt like a dream to everyone. No one could believe that brandon was actually gone. He wasnt sick, he wasnt in a coma, he was actually dead, no come back

Everyone was so sad and upset.

Adam didnt cry in front of anyone but he did cry when he was alone.

Fin and claudia teared up a few time, but it was more from seeing Billie so hurt.

Gawa and prince cried a lot, they lost their best friend, their brother.

Maggie was so sad and couldnt handle seeing billie so hurt either.

Drew and zoe cried and were so hurt, brandon wasnt just their bestfriends bf, they were friends before anything.

Kayla was destroyed. Since she received the news, she havent said a world, havent cried. Absolutely nothing. She just stays in bed the whole day looking at the ceiling.

And no need to say how broken billie felt. She felt like her whole world was destroyed and she is 100% sure that if she wasnt pregnant and didnt have a daughter, she would have taken her life by now

Brandon: why are we even talking ab death?-brandon giggled

Bil: idk bro-billie giggled before sighing-all ik is that if you die first than i do, im going w you, i cant live without your ass-she said-so, dont die on me man-she finished feeling brandon hug her tight-billie remembered their convo before she clicked in the start button

Bil: hi billie-she said looking at the camera-today its feb 4, its a beautiful sunday-she sighed-today is day 3 of trying not to kill yourself. Today is also the day im actually seeing brandon for the last time, its his funeral. Well, billie from the future, i hope one day you watch this video and you remember how much brandon adams made your life better, how much he changed your life and how he gave you the most precious gift ever. Remember how grateful you are for ever meeting him, remember that one day you loved him like you never loved anyone else, not even yourself. Remember that on feb 2, the world lost the most amazing soul that has ever landed on earth-she sighed again feeling her eyes fill w water-and remember that he'll always be w you, no matter what-she said and then looked to the side smiling-hi baby, we miss you-she said before kissing hers and brandons ring-i love you, always and forever-she smiled again standing up and turning off the camera-lets do this baby-she caressed her belly as she grabbed her purse walking outside her apartment where finneas was waiting for her

Fin: ready?-he asked putting his hand out for her to grab

Bil: yeah-she nodded holding his hand

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