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Billies pov
November 24, friday

Today is friday, november 24, it is tylers 1 year bday and its me and brandons two years anniversary.

Since the fight we had on tuesday, we havent talked, hes back at his moms house and we havent seen each other since. Yesterday tyler spent the day w kayla and she saw him, but i didnt. And honestly, ion plan on, if he doesnt talk to me, im not talking to him either, and ik going through his phone was wrong but he shouldnt have to lie to me. If he doesnt wanna be w me, just say it, dont make me look dumb asf

Anyways, basically everyone was here helping to get everything ready for tylers bday party, and by "everyone" i mean me, my mom, claudia, olivia, emma, finneas, prince, princes gf-evelyn-, gawa, drew, zoe, kayla and both adams, kaylas adam and zoes adam.

Kayla said that brandon was w tyler at their house, which im fine w, im not gonna prevent her from seeing her dad just bc of problems i had w him

Fin: okay, we're done-fin said

Bil: thanks guys-i said walking towards fin and giving him a hug, then i hugged claudia, emma and went to hug olivia as well-are you okay?-i whispired. Since yesterday shes a lil bit down

Olivia: yeah, i'll be fine-she smiled when we pulled out of the hug

Fin: okay, see yall later, bye mom-they hugged my mom and then left. After a while, everything was ready for the party, so everyone left to get ready. I was just ab to go get my shower when someone knocked on the door

Bil: who tf-i mumbled going to open the door

3rd person pov

As soon as billie opened the door, she was surprised by who she saw there

Tani: what are you doing here?-tani asked as billie looked at her like she was crazy

Bil: i should be the one asking you that since youre in MY house-billie said-unbelievable-she rolled her eyes

Tani: is brandon here?

Bil: no hes not-billie said expecting her to leave but she didnt-are leaving or-

Tani: look billie, ik both me and brandon were stupid ab not telling you i was his ex gf, and i apologize for the way i acted w you, i still liked brandon and it was hard to see him moving on-she paused-i never agreed w this thing that society says were exs and actual's have to hate each other, ion hate you, ion have reasons to, i actually have to thank you for making brandon happy since i couldnt do that-tani turned around ready to leave as billie just stood there unbelieved ab what she was hearing-oh, and billie-tani turned around again-brandon is not cheating on you, my mom is a psychiatrist, brandon has been talking to me to ask me if theres any way my mom can help him w the nightmares and anger attacks, hes not telling you bc he feels ashamed ab it, he thinks you might think that the coma is making him crazy-she chuckled-anyways, i have to go, happy bday to your daughter btw-she finished turning around and leaving, leaving billie w an unbelieved face. She wasnt expecting any of this. Tani to be in town or even having the convo they just had

Billie finally closed the door when she heard her phone buzzing

Call between bil and kayla
Bil: yes?

Kayla: hey billie, just calling cuz im kind of getting worried ab tyler-kayla said making billie immediatelly get worried

Bil: what why, whats wrong?-she desperately asked

Kayla: shes not eating and she has a fever

Bil: we're going to the hospital, im on my way-billie hung up before kayla could even try to convince her not to

She walked to her room, where she got her bag and car keys, texted everyone saying that so far the party was cancelled and then drove to kaylas house

Billies pov
Bil: hey adam-i said when adam opened the door for me-hey baby, whats wrong?-i walked towards tyler who was sitting at her baby eating chair. She looked at me and then hugged the lil teddy bear. I got her out of the chair rocking her back and forth and after a while, kayla came down w brandon. We gave each other a quick look but no one said anything

Kayla: you know it might just be a fever bc maybe her teeth are growing right?-she giggled

Bil: or she might actually need a doctor, so, im taking her-i said and kayla just shook her head

Kayla: im going w you, lemme get my bag and hers upstairs-she said turning around and going upstairs

Adam: well-adam approached kissing tylers head-get well soon so we can party lil lady-he smiled playing w her nose before kissing my head too-see you billie-he said going upstairs and i just smiled. He really just became my father figure

I felt brandons eyes on me but when i looked at him he simply turned around going to sit at the couch. It looked like he wanted to say something

Kayla: lets go-kayla appeared. She opened the door for me and brandon came too-thought you werent coming-kayla said to him opening the door so i could put tyler on her car seat

Brandon: ofc im coming, its my daughter mom-he said going inside the car and kayla got in too. After making sure tyler was safe in the car seat, i got inside and we drove to the hospital.

A/n: 7 Nominations🤪 poor haters

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