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Billie: tyler!-i said seeing tyler. Up. Smiling and playing w nurse aimee. My eyes immediately filled w water as i walked towards the bed hugging her tight but carefully since she still had tubes connected to her lil body-omg, baby-i cried as my hands were on each side of her face-youre up, youre right here! Alive and breathing all by yourself-i smiled crying as i saw her smile too-i love you and i missed you sm-i cried as claudia joined the hug-how?-i asked nurse aimee after a while as i cleaned my tears, still hugging tyler

Nurse aimee: who knows-i shrugged-theyre still doing exams but while i was checking on her earlier today, she simply opened her eyes-she explained and i nodded kissing tyler head-i'll give you guys some time alone-she smiled leaving as ellie came in

Ellie: they told me! She said as i just smiled. She approached tyler-hi tyler, im ellie, nice to finally meet you-ellie smiled talking to tyler in a baby voice as tyler smiled at ellie getting her arms out so that ellie could hug her-omg sure!-ellie said pulling her in a hug-youre so cute-they pulled out and then ellie hugged me-im so happy and proud of you and tyler billie-she whispired

Billie: thanks ellie-i smiled as we pulled out of the hug and she gave tyler a quick smile before leaving-im so happy baby-i smiled at tyler as she played w a few toys nurse aimee placed around her


Claudia: i called everyone, brandon, finneas, moms, drew, zoe, pince and gawa are all on their way-claudia came in w her phone on her hand as i was changing tylers diaper-are you telling brandon? Ab the pregnancy?-she asked and i shrugged

Billie: idk yet-i sighed-ik hes the dad and ofc has a right to know that hes going to be a dad again but-i sighed-we just broke up, it wasnt working and ik that telling him that i am pregnant is going to make him want to date me again just bc of it

Claudia: ion think he would that-she said-plus, its not like you guys broke up and hate each other, he'll support you billie, no matter what, and he showed you that countless times, you need to stop being so insecure

Billie: ik its just hard when you fall in love w the most perfect man on earth-i chuckled-i mean, ion expect you to understand cuz god, i still ask myself what did you see on finneas-i said seeing playfully roll her eyes

Claudia: omg stop-she chuckled-hes perfect-she said

Billie: what drugs do you use claudia cuz-

Maggie: omg!-before i could finish, mom and mama came in. Both of them immediately hugged tyler, feeling her w sm kisses

Kayla: youre up babygirl-mama cried-you dont know how much we all missed you-she said hugging tyler

Billie: okay, i just got her back, dont smash her-i laughed as mama walked towards me pulling me into a tight hug

Kayla: im so happy-she whispired

Billie: yeah, me too mama-i smiled

Kayla: wheres que?-she pulled out

Billie: according to claudia, on his way-i  said and then hugged my mom who was also crying

Maggie: our baby is back-she cried

Billie: mom-i said trying to calm her down-im so happy for-she pulled out going towards tyler again. After a few minutes, gawa, prince, zoe and drew came in immediately running towards tyler who seemed to be really happy since she wouldnt stop giggling and putting her arms out for someone to hug her-im gonna get her stuff-i said to claudia as she nodded

Claudia: want me to go w you?

Billie: you dont have to-she nodded as i left. I walked towards the elevator going outside of the hospital, into the parking lot where my car was. When i got there, i took a bag out of it. The bag was full w tylers stuff that i prepared for once she was up, wich is now

Finneas: billie!-i heard Finneas voice making me turn around seeing him w emma and olivia. They approached my car and immediately pulled me into a tight hug

Emma: i cant wait to play w tyler!-i heard emmas lil voice

Olivia: we're so happy for her and you billie-it was olivias time to speak

Billie: thanks guys-we pulled out-cmon lets go up and see her-i smiled closing my cars door and locking it

As we were walking towards the elevator, i overheard someone say

"Darkskinned man, around 20y, was involved in an accident w other 2 cars, has a slow heart beat"-i heard making me turn around and look at the scene. I saw someone laying on a stretcher as they were a couple of paramedics and nurses around him inside a room that was surrounded by glass windows

Finneas: billie cmom-i turned my head to see that the elevator arrived and they were just waiting for me inside it. I turned back to look at the scene as i saw a doctor doing cardiac massages on patient but the patient still didnt have a heart beat. Suddently the doctor stopped w the cardiac massages getting out of the patient and starting to do defibrillation, they did it a few times before they stopped again-billie cmon, my arm is hurting for holding this door already-i heard finneas

"Time of death, 9:01am"-the doctor said before opening the door and leaving the room w the paramedics. As soon as the one of the paramedics got out of were he was, i was able to see-

Billie: no-i whispired when i felt tylers bag fall down. I slowly walked towards the room feeling tears run down my face. This isnt happening.

A/n: one more chapter🤯

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