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3rd person pov
June 3, friday

After an exhaustive day of school and work, billie was back home, brandon wasnt here yet, cuz everyday after work, he picks tyler up from her nursery school

After laying on her bed for a few minutes just breathing, billie finally got up and started organizing her things for monday already. After doing that, she took a shower, got dressed and got all tylers dirty clothes, putting them to wash.

Once she was done, she was just ab to start doing dinner when brandon and tyler arrived

Bil: hi angel!-billie said excited, taking tyler out of brandons arms and hugging her-i missed you!-she mumbled pulling out of the hug and seeing that apparently she wasnt the only one feeling exhausted-you look so tired-she pouted-lets give you some food and a bath okay-she smiled kissing tylers head before turning to brandon, who was watching the scene w a big smile placed onto his lips-hey handsome-she smiled before pecking his lips

Brandon: hey mamas-he smiled-ima shower and then i'll be back to help you okay?-billie nodded and brandon went to tylers room to leave her stuff there before going to the other room, getting ready to take a shower

At the same time, billie walked to tylers room, sitting at the breastfeeding chair and giving her some milk, then she gave her a shower and dressed her in some confy and warm pjs

Bil: queeee, im done-she screamed

Brandon: so am i-he said appearing at tylers room ready to make her fall asleep

While he did that, billie went to the kitchen and decided to just get a few left overs since she was too tired to actually cook something. In the end, she and brandon, ended up eating fish w potato, eggs and black beans, brushed their teeth and went to bed

June 4, saturday

It was now 5am, billie got up earlier to prepare everything–or almost everything–for brandons 18th bday

She quietly got out of bed, redid her bunny and washed her face, went to the kitchen and started preparing everything. It wasnt something that big, but it was special. Billie cooked and filled balloons, getting everything as pretty as she could


Kayla: is he ever gonna wake up?-kayla whispered. Now, everyone relatively important to brandon was here. Kayla, adam, gawa, prince, drew, zoe, finneas, claudia, maggie, and ofc billie and tyler

Prince: your son sleeps more than-before prince could finish, everyone heard brandon yell inside the room

Brandon: billieee-he yelled and everyone shut up-come back to beddddd-he screamed again. After a few minutes of silence, the door was opened and all was heard was

"Happy 18th!!!"

Brandon: wth-brandon jumped from the suddent sound placing his hamd over his chest making everyone laugh

Bil: happy bday baby-billie said hugging him and kissing his cheek

Brandon: just wait for yo bday-he whispered in the hug giggling-i love you

Bil: i love youu-she said before they got out of the hug and brandon pecked billies lips

Kayla: happy 18 son-kayla said hugging brandon as well. Everyone hugged him and said happy bday, they gave him his gifts as well and right when he thought it was all w the gifts

Brandon: thank you guys sm, for the gifts and-

Bil: who said that it was over?-billie interrupted him making him shut up. She walked to the door and opened, revealing honey, nigel and nikita. Brandons closests friends from ny

Brandon: no fcking way!-he said w his mouth on the floor

Nigel: long time no see huh-nigel said hugging brandon

Brandon: wth- how- bro-he said everything really fast as he hugged nikita

For the rest of the day, they stayed w each other. Brandon still couldnt believe his ny friends were there w him on such a special day

Finneas: SHUT UP EVERYONE-finneas screamed-turn off the music cmon-he said making everyone complain but they still turned the music off

Bil: tf do you want?-billie said making maggie give her a death stare for cursing w tyler there-my bad-she giggled

Fin: me and claudia have an announcement-he said holding claudias hand

Claudia: this was a big surprised to both of us and i think it will be a surprise for you guys too but-

Bil: claudia youre making me anxious, open that mouth-billie cut her making everyone laugh

Fin: so-

Bil: youre having a baby?-billie interrupted again

"Billie!"-almost everyone said giggling

Prince: shut up and let them talk-prince said and billie showed him her tongue making him roll his eyes

Claudia: as you guys know, i just started my internship annnnd, recently i was "working" on a case of a couple that had an accident, the guy died and the woman is on a coma, but the thing is, they have two kids, their names are olivia and emma and none of their relatives wanna keep them so they were going for adoption but-she paused again-we decided to adopt them!

A/n: shitty chapter ik but


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