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3rd person pov:

Brandon: god, for how long you two are gonna keep doing this shit?-brandon said looking at billie and kayla-youre my mom-he turned to kayla-and youre the woman i wanna spend the rest of my life w-he turned to billie-i do understand how hard it was for her billie, seeing me going throught the same shit as tyler, when that happened to ty, i made her promise me that if i was ever in that situation she would let me go-he said to billie before turning to kayla-but i also do understand that its different now mom, youre not the only one that can make that decision anymore, and believe me if billie was in a coma i would fight for her till the day i die but i wouldnt let her go, put yourself in billies place and billie-he turned around looking at her-put yourself in her place-before he could do or say anything else they heard tyler cry, after a sigh brandon went to her room leaving kayla and billie alone

Kayla: hes right-kayla said after a few seconds of silence-i should've talked to you before anything, im sorry-she said

Bil: im sorry for being rude too-billie said after a while-regardless of anything i still owe you respect-she admitted and they smiled at each other

Kayla: can i?-kayla asked and billie nodded. She walked inside the apartment, closing the door behind her and looking around-its nice here

Bil: thanks, i did a few changes

Brandon: look!-brandon said suddently appearing w tyler in his arms-grandma is here!-he said excited as kayla walked towards tyler w a big smile, hugging her

Kayla: youre so big! Omg-she said playing w her

Brandon: was it that difficult?-brandon said when he got by billies side as they both watched kayla playing w tyler

Bil: no-she giggled-wanna join us for breakfast?-billie asked kayla

Kayla: no thanks, i already ate, im just gonna play w tyler-she said and billie nodded walking towards them

Bil: im just gonna give her some milk real quick-she said and kayla nodded putting tyler on billies arms. Billie walked to her breastfeeding chair and gave tyler her milk while brandon and kayla talked in the living room. Billie then changed tylers diaper and gave her to kayla who continued playing w her. Brandon put the tea and pancakes to warm up again and billie organized tylers room. Then, they ate while chatting w each other


Billie was laying on the couch w her head on brandons legs as he caressed her head and they watched a random youtube video. Kayla and tyler where still playing in tylers room

After brandons and billies video ended, they both got up and washed their teeth, then they organized the lil mess they made on breakfast, organized the clean dishes that were in the dishwasher, and put the dirty ones there, ready to be washed as well. Then, they changed from their pjs to gymn clothes. Brandon wasnt allowed to do gymn yet, but he could do a few easy exercises

Billies pov:

When me and que finished getting ready, we went to the living room seeing that kayla and tyler were there

Kayla: guys, i gtg, unfortunally-she pouted looking at tyler-thank you billie, for letting me see her-she finished and i smiled at her, before pulling her into a hug. We pulled away and she gave me tyler, so while her and brandon were saying bye to each other, i walked to tylers room and changed her from her pjs as well, putting her on a fresh dress

Brandon: im done-brandon said appearing at tylers bedroom door

Bil: so am i, here-i said giving him tyler. He went to the living room and started putting tyler on the baby carriage while i closed all the windows. After we were both done, we walked to the gymn, wich was like 10min away from my apartment. when we arrived, we just did our normal work out rotine, sometimes stopping to play a little bit w tyler so she wouldnt start crying


We arrived home almost an hour ago, when we finished our workout routine, we just walked back home, and while brandon was showering, i breastfed tyler and then gave her a shower as well, Brandon dressed her and put her in her crib for her nap while i was also showering.

3rd person pov

After tyler fell asleep, brandon went to the kitchen and started doing lunch for him and billie, he decided to do meat lasagna since he knew it was one of billies fav foods.

And speaking of billie, she was on her bedroom almost done w getting ready. She was wearing a loose white dress w sleeves. Her hair was in a simple bun since she was having a bad hair day but she was also too lazy and hungry to wash her hair. She applied some aquaphor and mascara, before walking outside going towards the kitchen, where she saw brandon preparing the lasagna

Bil: ig i can go and idk, do nothing-she teased him making him release a chuckle

Brandon: you good, i got this

Bil: you sure?-he nodded and she pecked his lips before going to the living room, searching for something to watch

A/n: sorry this is coming so late, i've been in bed since 1pm(its now midnight), dying bc of fcking cramps😭 Wasnt even in the mood for shit but here i am

Anyways, i decided that im gonna update every saturday and tuesday cuz those are the only days i can get a lil time off to write

Hope yall are ok<3

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