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Billies pov
November 22, wednesday

Bil: go bestie, go bestie-i said as tyler was dancing and brandon singing-uuuuuhhhhh, you killed it-i sais hugging her as they finished their presentation

Brandon: oh god im tired-que said laying on the floor

Bil: shes the one that danced and youre the one tired-i giggled-now cmon, its almost 11, time to bed lil baby-i said getting tyler and standing up from the floor. We went to her room. I gave her milk and then put her to sleep. I walked out of the room and saw brandon on the phone whispiring-hey-i said frowning

Brandon: i gotta go-he said hanging up-hey mamas

Bil: w who youre talking to that youre whispiring-i asked looking at him and he just shook his head and hugged me

Brandon: no one, lets watch a movie?

Bil: sure-i said-but can we watch on our room, im tired-i said yawning. We went to our room and laidon the bed

Brandon: im just going to the bathroom-he said going inside the room

Should i just check his phone? Why would he be whispiring?

I grabbed the phone unblocking and going through the last phone call


Brandon: what are we watching? Like romance-he stopped walking when he noticed i was on his phone

Bil: why were talking and whispiring w tani?-i looked at him. He looked at me and then walked towards the bed, taking the phone put of my hand

Brandon: why are you on my phone?

Bil: why are you talking to tani?-i asked standing up

Brandon: i wasnt-

Bil: so youre telling me you werent whispiring w her? Minutes ago?

Brandon: you dont get to go through my phone! Thats my privacy!

Bil: i wouldnt have to go through your phone if you told me the first time! You-before i could finish the door was opened and tyler crawled inside the room. How tf did she got out of the crib

Brandon: if i dont tell you, then its bc i have a reason to!-he screamed as i got ty from the floor

Bil: why are you talking to tani brandon?-i asked trying to calm down so i wouldnt scare ty

Brandon: thats not your business!-he screamed again and ty started crying-thats my privacy and you invaded her! Thats disrespectful! I would never invade your privacy! Wtv im doing w tani is not your business and should have respect for that!-he screamed everything in my face and once he stopped, tyler started to cry

Bil: get out-i said getting out of the way so he could go but he just stood there looking at me-GET OUT!-i screamed again but regreat when tyler cried even louder. He grabbed his phone and left, slamming the door behind him-shhh, dont cry baby-i said bouncing tyler-its okay, shhh-i bounced her laying on the bed and cuddling her. I felt tears wanting to come down but i didnt let them, i simply closed my eyes and slept after calming tyler down.

November 23, thursday

Bil: hi-i smiled at claudia and olivia but there was another girl i didnt knew

Claudia: hi-claudia said hugging me. Then i hugged olivia-billie, thats ava, shes olivias friend

Olivia: classmate, shes my classmate-olivia corrected claudia sounding pretty much annoyed

Claudia: and ava, this is billie, my sister-claudia said and we hugged

Ava: i can tell-ava said smiling and me, claudia and olivia looked at each othe before giggling

Bil: well, lets go?-i said. We were in the shopping, we're gonna buy a few more things for tylers bday, wich is tomorrow night, cant believe its been a whole year

Claudia: wheres brandon?

Bil: idk and ion wanna know too

Ava: trouble in paradise?-ava asked and as i was ab to answer, olivia talked

Olivia: theyre not talking to you, shut up-she whispired but me and claudia heard

Claudia: anyways, what happened?

Bil: nothing, lets not ruin our shopping day over some stupidicity-i fake smiled before grabbing claudias hand dragging her to the inside of the shopping-lets get started-i smirked

Bil: oh god, im exhausted-i said opening the door to my apartment w claudia and olivia behind me full of bags. In our way to here, we left ava in her house

Maggie: wow, i see you guys exaggerated a lil bit-my mom said seeing the three of us get in w all the bags

Olivia: correction, billie exaggerated-olivia giggled

Bil: oh cmon, its my babys first bday, i gotta spoil her a lil bit-i said in a baby voice as i just heard all of them laugh

Kayla: more than you already do it?-she said and everyone laughed more

Bil: ion spoil her that much

Maggie: yes you do billie

Claudia: shes gonna be momys girl

Bil: yall dont know anything-i said washing my hands. I walked towards the couch, were tyler was laying her lil head on kaylas leg while watching cartoon, slighly getting her and hugging her-hi angel, i missed you-i said kissing her whole face as i just saw her giggle-kiss?-i said and she slighly kissed my mouth-youre such a good lil girl-i said-lets prepare the best bday of your life? Lets gooo-i said and she giggled again

A/n: on december 19, this book is oveeeeeeeeeerrrr

BUT, im having this great idea for a book ab olivia, i think you'll like, i mean, its a gxg🤭

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