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3rd person pov
June 3, friday, 2am

"youre never gonna be happy"

"Tyler is gonna die"

"And so is billie"

"Arent you done of being w that snowbunny?"

"Im gonna kill them!"


Brandon: NO!-brandon screamed making billie immediatelly wake up and turn up the light and look at brandon who was now sitting in the bed, shaking, crying, sweating-no please no, no, no, no, no, please no-he said over and over again

Bil: que, its okay, im here-billie said as she tried approaching him but he immediatelly push her away making her fall down the bed, hitting her head on the floor-ouch!-she said closing her eyes and putting her hand over her head from the sudden pain

Brandon: GET AWAY FROM ME-he screamed again-FUCK, MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE, BILLIE-he screamed again looking at her as he kept squeezing his head w his hands. He suddently started punching the bed making billie stand up and run outside the room, locking him inside.

As she was outside she heard tyler crying so she ran to her room

Bil: shhhh, its okay-she said holding her-daddy is gonna be okay, cmon, lets call grandma-she walked to the living room as she could still hear brandon punching and quicking things inside the room

Call between bil and kayla
K: billie its 2am-kayla said sounding annoyed

B: ik, but idk whats going on w brandon, he freaked out, hes screaming and punching shit, idk what to do-billie said desperately

K: wth, what happened?

B: nothing, we were sleeping

K: okay, me and adam are on our way, just leave him alone-she said

When kayla and adam arrived, it was already 3am, brandon wasnt screaming or punching stuff anymore, it was all silent.

Bil: is he okay?-billie asked when kayla got out of the room

Kayla: yeah, he'll be fine, he just needs some time alone

Bil: why are you so calm?-billie asked looking at kayla

Kayla: this isnt the first time it happens, he used to have nightmares and angry attacks when he was younger, normally the nightmares would trigger the angry attacks-she said seeing billies wide eyes-he never told you?-billie shook her head-oh-kayla said surprised-well, when it happens just leave him alone, its better then trying to talk to him, it can make him even more mad-billie nodded as kayla walked away going towards tyler and adam

Billies pov

Brandon: hey, good morning-i heard brandon say as he slighly shaked me making me open my eyes and yawn-i made you breakfast-he said looking over our room-its nothing special, just cereal, yogurt and chocolate cake-he finished putting his hand out to help me stand up. Since what happened at 2am i just slept in the couch

We walked to our room in silence. When we got there, i saw that he cleaned all the mess he made, some of my frames were no longer in the walls and the window had no curtain, but the room was totally clean and tidy

Brandon: im really sorry ab what happened, i never meant to hurt you or-i cut him w a hug before he would say any more bullshits

Bil: shut up-i said-im just happy that youre okay-i said and felt him smile against my neck, making me smile as well before he pulled out of the hug and pecked my lips

Brandon: cmon, go wash your face and then come to bed so we can have some breakfast-i nodded and pecked his lips again before going to the bathroom where i washed my face and then redid the bunny i slept in. I walked back to our bedroom and sat at the bed w que as we just ate breakfast while watching a youtube video

When we were done eating, we started getting ready, we were both going to school and then to work. I was wearing a black turtleneck and long sleeve blouse w a white and black skirt and shoes, my hair was in a ponytail and i had a simple gold necklace on.

Once i was done, i walked to tylers room seeing that she was already awake

Bil: morning baby-i said getting her out of her crib as she yawned and laid her head on my shoulder

I gave her food, changed her diaper and then dressed her up while brandon cleaned her room real quick


Bil: bye love-i said kissing tylers nose as brandon did the same. We were now leaving her in the nursery school just like we do every day

We walked back towards my car and went to school. Brandon would have class the whole summer so he can still gratuate this year and start college on september w me and the others, so rn he was having normal classes, but me and the others were having preparatory classes for the exams, which will be on the 15th, i was nervous ab that i mean, those exams are going to decide if we get to go to college or no, i already had like 30 anxiety attacks ab that, its getting me crazy

A/n: oi gringos 🤠

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