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Billies pov
Feb 2, friday

Nurse aimee: billie-i felt nurse aimee slighly shake me making me open my eyes looking at her-can i?-she asked pointing at the incubator tyler was in since i was laying my head on it. I nodded standing up

Billie: good morning-i yawned

Nurse aimee: morning-she smiled opening the incubator and checking on tyler

Billie: im gonna get some food

Nurse aimee: okay-she nodded. I kissed tylers head and then got my purse leaving. I checked the time seeing that it was 6:47am. i yawned waving at another nurse i knew

I walked inside the cafeteria waving at doctor joseph and then going to get myself some food, i looked over at what they had for breakfast and nothing really caught my eye so i decided to drive to starbucks

Cooper: where you going?-cooper, the security i normally eat breakfast w asked as he got inside the cafeteria

Billie: nothing caught my eye, going to starbucks, wanna come?

Cooper: cant leave my post-he pouted making me laugh-enjoy your breakfast-he winked smiling and waving

Billie: thanks, you too-i waved opening the door and leaving. I walked to my car and then drove  to starbucks wich wasnt that far from the hospital-hi, can i get a dark roast coffee and then the southwest veggie wrap, an egg sausage and bacon wrap and a bacon, gouda and egg sandwich but without the gouda pls?-i asked the attendant and she told the total, i paid and then went to get my food. And yes, ik its a lot of food but i didnt eat dinner last night cuz i was super nauseous and threw up but now im starving

I went back to the hospital and ate in my car in the parking lot. I ate everything while going through my phone and then i got out of the car, throwing the trash away and then going to the bathroom

Billie: hi-i smiled at ellie. I met her here, her daughter violet is also in the nicu

Ellie: hi billie, hows tyler?-she smiled brushing her teeth

Billie: same-i said going inside one of the cabins and peeing-hows violet?

Ellie: in the same too-i heard her sigh. I got out of my cabin seeing that she was now washing her face

Billie: dont worry, they'll get better-i said seeing her smile. Just when i was ab to start bushing my teeth i ran back inside the cabin throwing up

Ellie: damn-i heard ellie said coming to hold my hair

Billie: thanks-i said flushing the toilet. We got out of the cabin and i went to brush my teeth as ellie finished washing her face. I then started to wash mine too and brush my hair when suddently i heard my phone buzz

Call between bil and claudia
Bil: hey Claudia-i said putting on headphones and continuing to brush my hair

Claudia: hey bil, im here where are you?

Bil: in the bathroom, come here

Claudia: on my way, bye-she said hanging up

I finished brushing my hair putting it in a ponytail, then i put on mascara and just as i was ab to put on some aquaphor claudia came in and ellie was leaving

Ellie: bye billie-she waved leaving

Billie: bye ellie-i waved back

Claudia: hi-claudia smiled seeing herself in the mirror as i put on my aquaphor

Billie: hi

Claudia: why is this bathroom smelling like shit?-claudia chuckled

Billie: i threw up-i chuckled-my bad

Claudia: again?-she said refearing ab me throwing up-its the thrid time in a month billie, either youre sick or...-she left the sentence in the air but i got it

Billie: no, we're not even together anymore-i shook my head

Claudia: what if we just buy the test and do it-she smiled

Billie: you think i am?

Claudia: did you have your period last month?

Billie: no-i shook my head seeing her wide her eyes

Claudia: we're having another baby!-she cheered making me laugh

Billie: stop, thats not good if we're not together

Claudia: lets go buy a test and find out

Billie: fine-i playfully rolled my eyes getting my stuff and going downstairs into the pharmacy area of the hospital. We bought the test and then went back to the bathroom, i peed again and then waited for the time-look at it, i cant-i said nervous

Claudia: okay-she slowly walked towards the test doing sm suspense making me get anxious

Billie: claudia-i screamed seeing her chuckle and finally get the test, she looked at me w wide eyes before turning the test so i could see it. Positive-no way-i said getting the test and waiting to see if it would change but it didnt-omg, no fcking way-i chuckled nervously-claudia what am i-before i could finish i was cut by my phone buzzing

Call between bil and nurse aimee
Nurse aimee: billie!-she screamed making me jump and take the phone out of my ear

Bil: god whats wrong?-i giggled

Nurse aimee: come to tylers room, now!-she said

Bil: whats wrong? Is she okay ?

Nurse aimee: billie just come-she hang up before i could reply making me even more anxious

Billie: we gotta go to tylers room, nurse aimee said to go there now-i said getting my purse, putting the pregnancy test inside and holding claudias hand as we ran to tylers room. As soon as we got there, we saw a paper on the door saying "room 164"-why tf they changed her room?-i asked looking at claudia who just shrugged. We looked for the room still holding hands as we were both nervous. We knocked on the door and heard nurse aimees voice saying that we could come in, i opened the door seeing-

A/n: till tuesday<3

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