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3rd person pov:
March 5, saturday

Brandon: i got it-brandon said standing up from the bed as he and billie heard tyler crying in the other room. He quickly went to her room and got her out of the crib, slighly shaking her to calm her down-shhh

Bil: shes hungry-billie suddently appeared making brandon jump at the sound of her voice

Brandon: girl- you tryna kill or some?-he said w one of his hands over his chest

Bil: hold my daughter w both your hands asshole-she said yawning as brandon showed her his tongue

Brandon: how do you know shes hungy?

Bil: she didnt wake up to eat yesterday night, plus, ik my kid, cmon-she said motioning for him to place tyler in her arms as she sat at the breastfeeding chair. Brandon bent over softly placing tyler in billies arms. In the past days, tyler was a little bit more habituated to going to billies arms to eat and then going back to brandons arms, it was like that every day

Brandon: you need to get some sleep, you look tired-brandon said caressing billies head

Bil: school is killing me and so is work-she sighed-at least i get to see my baby in the end of the day-she smiled

Brandon: im going back to school om monday

Bil: we need to hire a nanny

Brandon: or, we could just leave her w my mom and save money

Bil: not an option-billie said shaking her head

Brandon: mamas-

Bil: no que-she cut him-we're gonna hire a nanny-she firmily said-youre done?-she asked tyler when she took her mouth out of billies nipple

Brandon: come here princess-brandon said taking tyler out of billies arms-gonna make her sleep, go sleep too

Bil: no, im gonna clean up a little bit

Brandon: billie its 6am, go back to bed

Bil: well, if im gonna have a productive day i gotta start now-she said standing up from the breastfeeding chair and giving brandon a kiss on the cheek-love you-she said leaving the room.

She went to her room where she washed her face and put her hair in a ponytail before going to the kitchen and starting to put all the dishes in the dishwasher. After that, she started cleaning the kitchen sinks

Brandon: shes sleeping-brandon said appearing at the kitchen and hugging billie from behind as she was getting vacuum cleaner-come back to bed w me-he said caressing her waist

Bil: no, i wanna have a productive day, stop being a bad influence-she giggled pushing him away-cmon, go back to bed, im just gonna clean here and prepare breakfast

Brandon: i wanna-

Bil: shut up and go-she shushed him as he just giggled putting his arms up before pecking billies lips and going back to bed

Billie cleaned the dust, vacuumed the living room, the kitchen, the hallway and the outside of the door before cleaning the floor too. She then went to the bathroom where she cleaned the dust too, before also cleaning the floor.

By the time she was done, it was already 10:01am, so she washed her hands and got some frozen pancakes and while they were "frying", she organized the table, putting tea, water, yogurt and orange cake. When the pancakes were all done, she put them on plate, 5 for her and 5 for brandon, she put honey and chopped strawberries on top. When she was done, she went to her bedroom and sat on the bed giving brandon kisses to wake him up

Bil: wake up baby-she said giving him more kisses till he smiled opening his eyes

Brandon: uhm, good morning-he mumbled yawning

Bil: come on, i prepared breakfast-she said pushing the covers away and putting her hands out to help him stand up, but instead he pulled her into him giving her a few kisses

Brandon: what is all this for? Breakfast, waking me up w a hundred kisses?-he smiled caressing her face

Bil: nothing, just wanted to give you some love-she smiled standing up and putting her arms out again, this time he finally used them to stand up

Brandon: im just gonna wash my face and get the bed done, i'll be there in a sec-he smiled and she nodded. While brandon was washing his hands and face, billie went to check on tyler, she was peacefully sleeping in her crib. Billie caressed her head before smiling and leaving the room seeing that brandon was still in the bathroom washing his face

Billie walked towards the kitchen ready to sit down and wait for brandon, but before she could sit, there was a knock on the door making her curse under her breath, being too lazy to walk towards the door

Bil: what are you doing here?-she asked once she saw kayla on the door

Kayla: i came to see my son and granddaughter-she said trying to past by billie but billie stopped

Bil: so you think you come to MY house and just get in like youre in your own house, plus, you know damn well youre not allowed to see tyler

Kayla: she has my daughters name!

Bil: but shes MY daughter-

Brandon: whats going on?-brandon said suddently appearing-mom? What are you doing here?

Kayla: i came to see you and tyler, but shes not letting me in

Brandon: mamas-

Bil: no! Dont even try, and if you agree, leave w her-billie firmily said crossing her arms over her chest-get tf out of here-she said looking at kayla

Kayla: are you just gonna let her talk like that w me? Brandon!

Brandon: god, billie-

Bil: why are you only talking to me- bro-billie cut herself as she walked towards the building phone ready to call security to make kayla leave but brandon stopped her

Brandon: ok ok, stop

A/n: wrote this in my super boring integration area class💀

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