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Billies pov

Billie: whats up w the phone?-i asked as me and olivia were walking around the outside part of the hospital

Olivia: nothing, i was just expecting ava to call but-she shrugged

Billie: when i met her you seemed to hate her and look at you now, so anxious ab a call from her-i smiled seeing her blush-wait a minute are you guys like-

Olivia: no!-she screamed cutting me-no, i just, idk, things change-she calmed down-ion like girls anyways

Billie: if you say so-i said

Olivia: stop!-she screamed again making me jump-thats exactly what claudia said

Billie: okay okay, my bad-i chuckled. Yep, shes for sure into girls

Olivia: im sorry

Billie: its okay olivia-i assured her

Olivia: im also sorry ab tyler, right when we all throught she was finally going home

Billie: she'll get better, ik she will-i smiled-so, hows things going? W claudia? Finneas?

Olivia: great ig, theyre great, both of them, doesnt even look like theyre first time parents-i nodded

Billie: both of them always loved kids, i was expecting them to be amazing parents

Olivia: but i feel like now they dont have any more time for themselfs

Billie: thats normal when you have kids, i have one and ion have time to myself, let alone having two-we chuckled and stayed silent for a while

Olivia: thanks billie, for this, i feel better-she smiled

Billie: any time you need, if you dont feel comfortable, we can stay here till-before i could finish my sentence, olivias phone started to ring and i saw her blush again, a smile appearing onto her face as she got the phone out of her pocket, but soon, the smile disappeared-whats wrong?

Olivia: nothing, its maggie but i throught it was ava-she replied and then answered the phone-maggie?-she said-yeah im w her-she suddently stopped walking making me stop too-yeah, we're on our way-she hung up and looked at me

Billie: whats wrong?-i asked as i saw her eyes fill w water-olivia whats wrong?

3rd person pov
Olivia: tyler, she-billie didnt leave time for olivia to reply, she ran back inside of the hospital, running all the stairs up towards her daughters room. When she got there, she saw maggie and emma in a hug crying while a bunch of doctors and nurses where inside the room, she saw doctor peter doing cardiac massage on tyler but the multiparameter vital signs monitor was still w a straight line. No heart beat.

Billie felt her whole world fall right in front of her eyes as she prayed for all the lords to make her stay

Billie: no-she finally said running inside the room but immediatelly being grabbed by some of the nurses-NO STOP, PLS, TAKE ME INSTEAD-she screamed trying to fight against the nurses-TYLER PLS LISTEN TO MOMMY, PLS, STAY W ME-she screamed and screamed till she was consumed by darkness

Tyler: hi mommy-billie heard making her turn around seeing tyler running to hug her

Billie: hi love, how was first day of 2th grade?-billie smiled putting her hands on each side of tylers face

Tyler: it was really good, we read a book, the name was "my parents without me", it was ab a girl that went into a coma and during the coma, she saw her parents and how their life was without her

Billie: really? And how was it?

Tyler: terrifying, they were always crying, they divorcieded, they were just so uhappy

Billie: own, thats so sad, and thats exactly why i never wanna loose you

Tyler: but mommy, sometimes we need to hurt other peoples feelings so we can be alright. Like, remember when we had to burn dads fav shirt cuz it was causing both of us to sneeze? We hurt dads feelings so we could be alright, hurting dads feelings was better then sneezing all the time-she explained

Billie: yeah but, dad wouldnt always wear the same shirt baby

Tyler: but somethings are just meant to happen mommy, thats how life works-she hugged billie-thats how life works mommy, sometimes we need to loose some things to have others-she whispired in billies ear-i love you mommy, i love you sm, we can still be happy, just not as a family anymore-she whispired again, and billie suddently felt brandon join the warm hug too

Billie: wait, whats that supposed to mean? Brandon? Tyler how are you this big already?

December 1, friday

Billie slowly opened her eyes trying to adjust the lighting to her eyes as she was seeing everything blurred

Finneas: hey-she felt a pair of hands touch her arm, making her look to the side seeing finneas

Billie: what...what did they gave me?-she said w a lil bit of difficulty due to still feeling numb

Finneas: just a dose of tranquilizer-he explained and billie nodded

Billie: tyler- wheres tyler? Finneas please tell me i didnt loose my baby! Finneas!-she screamed as finneas hold her down keeping her from standing up from the bed

Finneas: billie calm down please-he tried calming her down but gave up when he saw that the only thing that would maybe make her calm down or at least stop fighting w him, was telling her-so...

A/n: 5 chapters and this is overrrrrr

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