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Billies pov

Fin: so, basically-

Doctor peter: oh, billie youre up-doctor peter interrupted

Billie: what happened to tyler?-i asked and he sighed approaching my bed

Doctor peter: so, at first it looked like it was kawasaki disease, but after tylers respiratory arrest we have another diagnoses-he paused-cystic fibrosis, basically a disease that mostly affects the lungs, is caused by glands that produce anomalous secretions, which causes difficulty in breathing since the lungs dont function properly. I cant lie to you billie, since tyler is barely 2yo, her situation is very critical, we prefered to induce tyler into a coma and-

Billie: you did what?-i looked at him-she is MY daughter, i never authorized that!-im not going through the same shit again, i refuse to

3rd person pov

Fin: billie calm down-finneas rubbed her arm

Doctor peter: since you werent here, brandon authorized-

Billie: fcking brandon-billie mumbled-wheres brandon?-she asked

Fin: hes w tyler but-before fin could finish, billie stood up from the bed and walked outside the room-billie wait-doctor peter and finneas ran after her. They didnt take long to get to tylers room since it was in the same floor

Billie: wth is your problem?!-billie said seeing brandon in front of tylers room getting coffee

Brandon: what-

Billie: wtf would you authorize putting tyler into a coma? Without MY permission!-she screamed

Brandon: oh, so our daughter is dying and you want me to wait for you!?-he screamed back

Fin: guys-

Billie: shes not dying!-billie screamed back cutting finneas-you dont know what is like to have someone you love in a coma and not be able to do anything!

Brandon: yes i do!

Billie: your sister spent one day in coma! You spent months and you dont know for how long tyler will be there! A fcking day doesnt count!

Brandon: so tylers death doesnt count?

Maggie: guys what is going-

Brandon: my pain doesnt count?-he screamed again cutting Maggie

Billie: not now brandon! She is my daughter, i should've been the one having a world on that!

Brandon: as far as ik you needed my cum to make her!

Maggie: okay thats enough-

Billie: you werent even here when she was born!-billie cut maggie again

Brandon: bc i was in a fcking coma! you are selfish and-

Kayla: shut up brandon!-kayla appeared cutting brandon

Billie: ion wanna see you around my daughter!

Brandon: i dare you to stop me

Billie: i'll-

Kayla: shut up both of you!-kayla screamed cutting billie-enough! You are in a hospital and in front of your 1yo daughters room!-she said. Billie and brandon gave each other a last look before both of them turned around walking in different directions

Maggir: billie!-maggie called running towards billie-what was that? You-before maggie could finish, she noticed that billie was crying

Billie: shes in a coma mom!-she cried as maggie pulled her in for a hug

Maggie: shh baby shh-maggie rubbed billies back trying to calm her down

Billie: what if she doesnt wake up mom-billie cried on her mothers shoulder-what if she dies and-

Maggie: billie stop! Tyler is strong just like her mom, she'll get better, shes going to wake up-maggie said putting her hands on each side of billies face

Billie: but-

Maggie: billie!-maggie cut her-tyler we'll be fine, we need to have hope and stay by her side-maggie said and billie nodded as maggie wipped her tears away

Billie: i wanna be w her-billie whispired as tears were still streaming down her face

Maggie; lets go change this hospital clothes first and eat something okay?-billie nodded as she hugged maggie once again, and holding each others hands they walked towards the room billie was in

Time skip to an hour and half later-8:00am

Billie and maggie walked inside tylers room as the moment immediatelly felt like a déjà vu for billie

Billie: hey baby-billie approached the incubator holding tylers hand-its mommy-she whispired wishing she could be holding tylers small face in her hands

Maggie: i'll be outside if you need me okay?-maggie asked rubbing billies shoulder as billie nodded watching maggie leave from the corner of her eyes-wheres brandon?-maggie asked kayla once she was outside

Kayla: adam took him for a walk before he had an anger attack again-kayla explained looking at billie and tyler

Maggie: i hope they talk to each other later-maggie mumbled turning to look at billie and tyler too

Kayla: not now tho, billie hurt brandon w the things she said ab tyler

Maggie: ik-maggie sighed-its the coma, shes scared its gonna happen again, just like brandon-maggie sighed again

Kayla: hopefully not, brandon is going crazy enough

Maggie: and-

Billie: i cant do this-billie interrupted coming out of the room as tears were streaming down her face-i cant seat there and watch her die-billie sobbed

Kayla: she needs you billie

Billie: i cant do it, i cant-billie said walking away

Maggie: billie-maggie tried to stop billie but couldnt reach her

A/n: shitty chapter but okay🤡

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