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3rd person pov:

Billie: seven...-billie said but it came out as a whisper so neither brandon or nurse aimee heard or noticed her presence in there-brandon-she said this time louder and firmer making both brandon and nurse aimee look at her.

And in the moment his eyes met hers, they felt the same spark as the first time they saw each other. Who would've imagined that the knew boy that every girl wanted and the "everyone wants but no one gets" girl would now be right here. Finally meeting each other after more than two months without each other. And they even had a daughter together. No one could ever imagine that. Not even billie herself.

Billie came back to reality as she felt nurse aimee pat her shoulder making billie look at her

Nurse aimee: hes here-she said smiling-he seems to be the gentle man you've been telling me ab in this last two months-she finished before kissing billies forehead and waving at brandon before she got out, closing the door behind her.

Billie met brandons gaze again. He was just standing there, looking at her w a big smile on his face. A so comforting smile that made billie start to walk towards his bed. And she immediatelly broke down when she felt brandon hug her

Brandon: hey love-he whispired also crying. And as much as billie wanted to answer, the only thing she could do was cry in that moment. So brandon let her. He motioned for her to craw in the bed w him, wich she did, and they stayed in the hug for a while, just crying as both of them couldnt believe that moment was finally happening

Billie: i've missed you so fcking much-she said as she calmed down a little bit more-im so sorry, if i was a dck w you that day, you would've stayed home w me and-

Brandon: stfu and come here-brandon said pulling her into a kiss. They pulled out breathing heavy as they were looking at each other w their foreheads touching-you didnt got a new ngga while i was out right?-he said making billie chuckle and roll her eyes

Billie: i for sure did, i even married him, do you believe?-she laughed going into his joke

Brandon: hahaha very funny-he said fake-smiling making billie laugh more-come here-he said making her lay down again, w her head on his shoulder as they just hold each other never wanting to let go again

After a couple minutes of just talking to each other, as billie was updating him on everything that happened, mainly on how was tyler and stuff, kayla and adam came in the room smiling at brandon

Kayla: i think its time for you to rest-kayla said approaching brandons bed-alone-she completed looking at billie who gave kayla her resting btch face but still didnt move

Brandon: i just came back mom, im not resting for at least thirty years-he said making everyone laugh

Kayla: im serious-she said-me and adam are going home to prepare the house for your come back and prepare tylers room-she said making billie do a confused face looking over at adam waiting for an explanation

Adam: oh, sorry billie, we just thought that maybe tyler could have a room in our house so that some times she can maybe sleep there-adam quickly said seeing that billie looked confused

Billie: why? Its not like her parents are divorced or something-she said sitting up on brandons bed

Adam: yeah but we just thought that-

Billie: im sorry but no, thats not happening-billie cut him-ion mean to be disrespectful or anything, but no, theres no reason for you guys to waist money doing a room for tyler, she can have a lil space at brandons room, im sure he doesnt mind, plus, its not like shes gonna stay too much in that house, there is someone in that house who wont even see her skin color-she finished making brandon look at her w a confused look, and right as he was ab to ask wth she was talking ab, billie got a phone call, and it was one of the nurses who were treating tyler, which made billie immediatelly answer the phone as she got out of the bed

Call between bil and nurse:
Nurse: hey billie, youre still in the hospital?-she asked

Billie: yeah, why? Is tyler okay?

Nurse: oh yeah, she just woke up and we wanted to know if you would like to come her to feed and hold her for the first time?

Billie: what? Really?-the nurse hummed-i'll be there in 2 min-she said befode hanging up and walking towards brandons bed

Billie: a nurse just called, im gonna feed and hold tyler for the first time-she told him making him smile

Brandon: can you record it for me?-he pouted and billie nodded

Billie: i'll try-she said before kissing him and mouthing "ily" wich he replied w an "ilyt". Billie got out of the room but soon she felt someone grab her arm making her turn around seeing kayla

Kayla: you know i can sue you right?-she said refearing to the fact that billie wasnt letting her see her granddaughter. Billie chuckled before pulling her arm out of kaylas grip

Billie: go for it-she said getting to kaylas face-i dare you-she finished before looking kayla from her feet to her face and walking away

A/n: im addicted to wap and lemme tell yall that i've never been more happy that my parents dont know english💀

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