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Billies pov:
January 3, sunday

Its was now 10am, i just got to the hospital after spending the night at my apartment, i'm not doing very well mentally so the last days i was staying a lot more in the hospital w brandon and tyler but since yesterday my period decided to arrive, i just went home to get a shower and rest since my tummy was hurting.

But today was a good day cuz i get to feed and hold my baby for the first time, she has been amazing, and shes big already.

I walked towards her room but stopped when i looked at the window and she wasnt there

Doctor dylan: hey billie-i suddently heard doctor dylans voice making me turn around

Billie: hi doctor dylan, wheres ty?

3rd person pov:

Doctor dylan: billie, yesterday night wasnt a good night for tyler-he said after releasing a sigh-she had a respiratory arrest and we transferred her to nicu earlier this morning-he said making billies heart immediatelly stop. She was frustrated, sad, disappointed and feeling guilty since it happened right in the night she went home. in her head, maybe if she were there, her daughter would be fine-we're waiting for the tests to be done, we're looking for heart or breathing problems such as asthma wich you have so it can be genetic-he finished

Billie: is-s she okay? Is she gonna be okay?-she asked as she felt her hands starting to shake

Doctor dylan: shes stable now but we dont know about the future-he said-would you like to see her?-he asked and billie slowly nodded. She didnt actually wanted to see tyler, it was hard enough seeing her before the respiratory arrest and billie knew it would be even harder now, but she also didnt want to leave her there all alone

They walked towards the nicu and billie immediatelly started to tear up when she saw all those babies there, she didnt know what they had but it wasnt good since they were there. Suddently doctor dylan and the nurse by his side stopped walking and turned around looking at billie

Doctor dylan: heres your girl-he said opening tylers room door-we'll give you some space okay?-he asked and billie nodded, and as they left, she closed the door walking towards tylers incubator seeing how fragile she looked. Again she was full of tubes, most of them where in her torso and arms, a few in her mouth and nose

Billie: hey ty-billie said feeling tears come down her cheeks even if she was doing everything she could to not let them fall-everything is gonna be alright, daddy is gonna get better and so are you okay? I need you to fight okay love?-she said crying more as she rasted both her hands in the incubator

Suddently billies phone started to ring making her wipe her tears away before answering, seeing that it was adam

Call between bil and adam
Billie: hey-

Adam: are you in the hospital?-he cut her

Billie: yeah, im w ty-

Adam: come to brandons room now! Something happened-he cut her again

Billie: is he okay? Ion wanna leave ty alone, shes not doing good-suddently the call went silent making billie check if she maybe hang up by accident or she muted adam but everything looked the same?-adam are you there? I cant hear-

Hi mamas-she suddently heard making her heart-once again-immediatelly stop. For a second she thought that maybe she was dreaming or hallucinating-i've missed you-she heard again and this time she immediatelly hung up, opening the door of tylers room running towards brandons room

"Hey! You cant run in here!"-she heard but totally ignored as she just kept running feeling her breathing and heart beat increase

She didnt have to run for a long time since nicu-where tyler was-and icu-where brandon was-where in the same floor.

As she got to brandons door she just stopped. She wasnt prepared for that moment. Seeing him again. It felt like a dream. She looked to the side seeing that kayla and adam where so focused talking to doctor max and doctor mark that they didnt even saw her there. After a while she softly placed her hand on the door handle before releasing a sigh and finally open the door seeing nurse aimee talking to brandon.

In that moment she realized how real that moment was. After almost two and half months she finally saw the smile she missed the most. The voice she missed the most. The person she missed the most. She couldnt believe he was there, alive. She dreamed ab this day for weeks, she planned on what to say, what to do. But in that moment she couldnt even walk towards his bed. She just stood there listening his convo w nurse aimee.

She was telling him ab everything that she knew that happened while he was out. How hes daughter arrived. How billie always stayed by his side. How billie didnt give up on him even when his own mother did-even if she didnt say in those exact same words-how his friends also came to see him all the time. How kids from his school made a tribute for him in the day he turned 2 months in coma and the doctors almost declared him dead. How billie came to the hospital w a bunch of stuff in their one year anniversary. And how she did the same on her 18th bday instead of going out or something w her friends/family

A/n: que is back in the next chapter🤭🤭

Or not.............

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