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3rd person pov
February 24, wednesday

Zoe: hey, brandon asked for you to go to his house w tyler-zoe said going inside the room as billie was getting ready

Bil: i have online school, i told him that

Zoe: well, can i go w her?

Bil: nop

Zoe: billie-

Bil: zoe ion want my daughter in that house and im not fighting w you ab that-billie said turning around as she was brushing her hair

Zoe: what happened? W you and que?

Bil: nothing zoe-she said standing up-wheres ty?-she said before zoe could say anything

Zoe: taking a nap-zoe said sitting on billies-you know, ion like when you do this thing where you just dont let anyone is, thats stupid asf

Bil: i-

Zoe: nah-zoe cut her-dont, im going home, call me when you stop being this dumb rude btch youre being-she saud standing up and getting her purse

Bil: what- youre supposed to be w ty-billie ran after zoe

Zoe: too bad-she said opening the door and leaving making billie sigh in frustation

Hours later

Bil: yes, so, what i basically did was-billie was interrupted by the sound of the door ring as she was explaining something ab her health class-im sorry, its just a minute-she said turning off her mic and camera before standing up and going to the door seeing brandon-what are you doing here?

Brandon: hey to you too-he giggled

Bil: stop-he cut her by pulling her into a hug

Brandon: stop w the drama shit mamas-he said kissing the top of her head-if i had to choose between my mom and you, i would choose tyler-he said caressing her head as billie just nodded pulling out

Bil: ty is still napping, i gtg back to class-she said walking back to her chair and continuing to explain

Brandon slowly walked in staggering, since he still couldnt walk straight due to the accident. He walked in going towards tylers room where he saw that she was peacefully sleeping w her yellow pacifier over her mouth. He smiled at how cute she looked before taking a few photos and videos of her and going outside the room towards thr living room, where he sat at the couch watching billie have her last class

Billie: what are you doing? Do you have a staring problem?-billie asked standing up from the dinning table

Brandon: maybe i do, come here-he said pushing her to where she was sitting on his lap-i miss you-he said caressing her tight as she smiled playing w his hair

Bil: i missed you too-she said pecking his lips making brandon look at her

Brandon: no! I miss you!-he repeated himself making billie understand what he meant

Bil: freak ass, you just woke up from a coma and i just had a kid-she said pushing him away when he started kissing her neck- plus, does your buddy still works?-she teased him

Brandon: are you doubting my skills? Girl, ima give another kid rn-brandon said pushing her to the couch

Bil: get me pregnant again and i'll murder you brandon adams

Brandon: well, guess im gonna die-he smiled before attacking her lips. The kiss soon started to heat up but they were interrupted by tylers crying sounds-god-brandon said when they pulled out of the kiss-is this what having kids mean? No sex anymore?-he said making billie laugh before patting his shoulder so he could get out of her, and when he did, she ran towards tylers room

Bil: im here baby, im here-she said taking her out of her crib-can you guess whos here?-she said in a baby voice going towards the living room where brandon wad sitting in the couch-daddy is here!

Brandon: look if its not my lil princess-he smiled holding her seeing how excited she looked-youre so beautiful, so beautiful-he said in a baby voice as well-had mama been treating you good? Yeah, yeah-he said playing w her little fingers-you so much look bigger, look at those cheeks-he said playing w her cheeks

Bil: okay enough, lemme give her some food-billie giggled and when brandon placed tyler on her arms, tyler immediatelly let out a scream before crying

Brandon: oop, my bad-he said putting her back in his arms

Bil: im gonna starv you to death girl-billie said pouting

Brandon: shut up and lemme talk to her, she'll listen to me-he said and billie showed him her tongue-okay ty, lets do like this, you stay in mamas arms so you can eat and then, i'll hold you as much as you want me to, deal?-he asked and surprisingly, she didnt cry when she was placed on billies arms-thats my good girl-he said smiling as billie took out one of her boobs softly placing against tylers lips, after a while tyler started sucking on her nipple while looking at brandon-what is it like to be alone w her?

Bil: i didnt even stayed too long alone w her, my mom, zoe and drew are always coming and helping me, but the days that i've spent alone w her where pretty calm, shes a calm baby, she literally only cries when shes hungry or if she needs a new diaper, usually when she wants to sleep she just closes her eyes w no big drama, thanks to the lord-she giggled

Brandon: this moment feels unreal, you cant imagine how many times i've dreamed ab how she would look, how would labour to you, and i lost basically everything

Bil: well, youre here now, thats what matters-billie assured him before both of them just appreciated that moment

A/n: wrote this while waiting for the school bus, AGAIN

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