5. Butterscotch Pancakes

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Aster's POV

A small brown owl drops a white envelope onto my lap at breakfast.

It's my usually weekly letter from my parents. I pick apart the wax seal and find the letter to be longer than usual. I read it twice before I fully understand what my father wants me to do.

"Seriously.." I mutter under my breath.

"What's up?" Blaise asks, his mouth half full of butterscotch pancakes.

"My father wants me to meet my Uncle and Aunt." I say, hoping to see humour in this twist of events.

"Marcus' parents?"

I nod, still staring at the parchment in my hands.

"He wants me to meet them in Hogsmeade next weekend. Apparently they've heard how 'smart' I am and think it's time for me to meet them" I say, gesturing the inverted commons.

Blaise stuffs more syrupy pancakes in his mouth. I cringe at the sight.

"What's with you and pancakes? Were you not allowed them as kids?" I tease.

His face lights up and I can't help but laugh as he shoves more into his mouth.

"Don't do that around Harper, she would kill you for being so disgusting in public"

He rolls his eyes in response, swallowing his last mouthful.

"Harper can get a life" he mumbles, the light from his eyes snuffed out.

I frown. The comment is so unlike him. Before I can call him out, Crabbe knocks over a pitcher of water from across me, drenching my breakfast as well as my lap in the process.

"For fuck sake" I groan, giving Crabbe the deadliest stare I could muster. Before a snide comment slips through his teeth, I hiss and push myself up from the table. Crabbe cringes at my look and cowers. Weakling.

"I'm soaked" I state to no one in particular, "I'll meet you in Charms" I say to Blaise before I storm out of the great hall and to the common room.

I try to pat my skirt dry as I storm towards my room. I only have 20 minutes until Charm's class starts, so I push my door open in a fluster and rush towards my trunk. Shuffling out of my skirt, I pull out last year's skirt, the hem riding slightly shorter than my usual. I huff as I pull it down, the scratchy fabric rubbing against my skin.

"Who thought I would ever see the day to see Miss Flint late to class" a soft and cool voice echoes in my doorway.

I spin round to find none other than Draco Malfoy leaning against the wooden frame, his arms crossed in front of his chest. His white long sleeves are pulled tight against his biceps, his green tie loose at his neck. A breath catches in my throat at the sight of him.

"One would think you were stalking me Malfoy" I say, willing my voice to be calm and collected.

"You're the one leaving your door wide open Flint" he retorts, looking down the hallway absentmindedly.

I watch as his jaw ticks. The movement leaving a tingle in my stomach.

"Like you said Malfoy, I'm late. So get out of my way" I say as I stand inches away from his towering body. I look straight at his chest, eye level with his open tie. I watch as he swallows deeply.

Draco's POV

I step out of her way before she hears me gulp.

She strolls past me, fully aware that I'm assessing every move she makes. I watch as her slim figure struts down the hallway, her skirt tight against her ass. I can't help but bite my fist in frustration, my blood on fire.

Before she rounds the corner into the common room, she lifts her hand up and flicks me a naughty finger without even one look back.

Aster'a POV

It's the power he makes me feel. The raw feminine power. That's what I'm attracted too.

I end up getting to charms just before the door shuts. Blaise motions me over to the back of the class, his tall frame a beacon.

"You made it" he states, giving me an accomplished smile.

I give him a tight smile in response. Still shivering from the thrum of energy I had just experienced.

The class flies by. My attention scattered.

I split up with Blaise after class, going to our respective classes. I impatiently wait for Harper outside the potions room, my foot tapping with irritation. I wait until the last minute, but Harpers no where to be seen. I panic slightly, Harpers absence an odd occurrence.

Sitting myself on my stool, alone at our end of the table I tap my clean quill on my notepad. This mornings antics had cause my nerves to be on edge and now Harper not being here to calm them, I was tempted to skip class myself.

I keep my head down, resisting the temptation to look down the table at Malfoy. I can feel his presence like electricity pulsating in the air.

As I listen to Professor Slughorn I can't help but overhear their conversation.

"Malfoy, you wanna go check out Goyle's new broom after class?" I hear Crabbe ask Draco.

"I got shit to do" Malfoy grumbles In reply, clearly not impressed with Goyle's new broom.

"C'mon bring your broom and we can practice" Crabbe adds, desperation leaking.

"I'm got someone else to ride" he replies, giving them both a grin full of malice.

I look up and towards them. As if sensing my stare, Malfoy looks up and back at me. A smirk growing on his face as he looks me up and down. I shiver in response.

Normally I wouldn't have to muster any courage to chat up a boy that was interested in me. I always had a natural flair with boys, it was always so easy and fluid. But with Draco I wasn't sure. He wouldn't dare try anything with me purely because I was a half blood. But I couldn't help but sense that he could also feel the tension sparking between us as he smirks before he looks back down at his textbook.

My skin prickles with heat, my breath hitching as I picture myself doing unspeakable things to the forbidden boy just a few seats across from me.


Class finishes and I struggle off my stool and out of the room. I already know I look a mess. My face flustered and my eyes tired.

I feel someone brush pass me, the scent of peppermint rushing by. I look up to see Malfoy walking backwards and facing me. His eyebrows raised and his smirk still splayed on his lips. I can't help but respond in a daze, my lips slightly parted. I probably look like a gaping fish. But I just couldn't keep it together anymore. I had to get laid.

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