30. The Desk

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A/N Ok I'm really delivering here, another update! 

This one is actually really sweet so I hope you like it 

Aster's POV

Draco pushes himself off the bed, lifting me with him. In one swift movement, he's gliding across the room and perching me on his desk. The wood is cool beneath my bare bum, I don't even get a second to adjust to the changed position before he slides himself deeper into me. He stands at the edge of his desk, the desk grand enough that the he's perfectly level with me. 

"Much better" He murmurs, giving me a little smirk. 

I can't gather enough breath to reply. My hands slick with sweat as I grapple onto his shoulders while he continues to bury himself into me. I lean slightly backwards, balancing myself with one hand behind me, making the angle that he pounds into me hit the sweet spot. 

"I've been dreaming about doing this to you for a while now" he mutters, his eyes drunk. 

"Mmmm?" I'm able to mumble between my gasps. 

He chuckles at my inability to speak. 

"On my desk, on my bed, everywhere" 

He grips my hips harder and the tension underneath his hands ripples under my skin and to my centre. 

As if he senses the tension fizzle underneath my skin, he drags himself out of me and slowly enters back in. I arch my back at the gradual intensity, the slow movement just after a hard push making my body shake. 

He drags himself out and in again, painstakingly slow but agonisingly fulfilling. I pinch my eyes shut as I start to shake in the groin. He brings his fingers to my chin and tilts my head to face him. I look up and find his eyes blazing into mine, full of need. 

This was a different type of build to an orgasm, it was slow and calm. 

He takes the opportunity to kiss my parted lips, snaking his hand underneath my bum and pulling my closer so that our skin presses tightly against each other. 

"C'mon Aster..." he encourages, my climax near. 

I start to whine, gripping his shoulders for stability. I press my forehead against his and keep my eyes pinched shut, moving his hips forward slowly again I groan in frustration. My whole body starts to tense, and I grasp blindly at his biceps. 

"Dra-" I couldn't even finish my words. 

"Yes darling..." he whispers back. 

I suck in a deep breath and finally feel that gradual build reach its peak, flinching when I release my orgasm all around him with my core pulsating. He stops moving his hips for a second, and I look up to him, awe is displayed on his face. I gap at him, confused. 

"Fucking hell Flint" he replies before he pushes himself into me with so much force the desk rocks against the wall. I gasp out in shock. 

He groans as he picks up the pace. I grapple onto his arms again, and slightly dig my nails into his skin. He rocks into me so hard, my legs buckle from exhaustion and I'm not even the one standing up.

His moans turn grave and hoarse, and the sound makes my stomach twist and turn with heat. 

I watch as his eyes go glassy, his orgasm obviously near. In that moment, I decide to play. 

"You feel so good in me" I murmur, letting my words drag out seductively. 

His eyes flick open wide. 

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