19. The Empty Corridor

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Asters POV

The air feels different this time. The energy around us isn't crackling with unease and apprehension like last time, but instead it feels thicker, it's not suffocating but instead feels comforting.

Draco stands his arms idling at his sides, there's an awkwardness to his posture but his face seems softer and more relaxed than usual.

"You've changed your mind then?" I ask, trying to keep the pride from escaping my voice.

He looks softly at me, his lips in a stern line.

He moves his hand up to his neck, tension ripples through his shoulders.

"Look Flint..." he starts, his words roughly mumbled, " I obviously....like you" he coughs out.

I look at him dumbfounded.

Never thought I would hear Draco Malfoy say that out loud.

"It's just people can't know, if they found out..." he grips his neck tighter and tilts his head. The small movement seems sweet but my heart drops at his admission.

"People would think less of you" I mumble.

"I truly don't give a fuck about what people think of me" his voice raises. I cock my eyebrow at his lie.

He notices my apprehension, "I mean I care about what my family thinks but that's because I have no choice" he mumbles, his voice grows uneven and his eyes drop to the floor.

"So because I'm a halfblood and your family are pureblood we cant even be friends? I'm sure half of your mates are halfblood somewhere down the line" I grumble, trying to repress the anger that's sizzling in my stomach.

"It's not just because you're a halfblood" he mumbles, this time so quietly I barely catch his soft words.

"Why then?" I ask, curiosity replacing my anger.

He removes his hands from his neck and instead fiddles with his ring again.

"Look I better go" he says, finally looking up at me.

I furrow my eyebrows at his dismissal.

"I want to see you again" he says, his eyes confidently locked on mine. I feel goosebumps rise on my arms. How can this boy make me feel so many emotions in just a few minutes?

I don't give him an answer. I'm not sure how I feel about this new level of...friendship. I'm not used to talking to him so seriously.

"Meet me in the common room at midnight?" he asks.

I cock an eyebrow at him again, his vanity amusing me more than anything.

I watch as a corner of his lip tilts upward, his bright eyes twinkle slightly.

I can't help myself. As soon as I see that small light in his eyes, I feel my knees go weak and my stomach tighten.

I roll my eyes in answer.

"I'm taking that as a yes" he says, a full grin now displayed on his proud face.

I chuckle under my breath before he gives me a wink and turns around. I watch as he confidently struts away from me, his tight white shirt moving with his broad muscles on his back. I find myself gaping and I shut my mouth closed, embarrassed by my own infatuation.

Before I can collect myself and fix my ripped stockings that currently have a gaping hole on the inside of one of my thighs, I hear more steps. This time lighter and hurried. I look back into the direction of where Draco went but the echo's come from the other direction.

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