39. The Vague Confrontation

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Aster's POV

I woke up early, prying myself from Draco's tangled limbs and quietly getting dressed. Draco was still sleeping, his breaths deep and slow. He looked so young and peaceful lying there, I couldn't bring it in myself to wake him.

Instead, I hurried out of the boys dormitory and slipped into my own room. I immediately downed my tonic, and mentally noted to see a healer about a more permanent way for contraception if I was going to continue with Draco.

It seemed like everyone was still fast asleep, Harper's curtains were shut around her bed but I could hear her small snores as I walked past. All I felt was a numbness radiate all over my body, and not the type that emanated from being high. No this one, felt deeper. I was pretty certain I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I pulled on my uniform and wrapped my robes around myself tightly, keeping the cool morning winter air out as I made my way out of the common room and to the Great Hall.

It was 6am, only a couple of early risers were eating breakfast in the vast hall. I looked at the pancake stack oozing with sticky syrup in front of me but my stomach groaned anguishly at the sight of it.

Instead, I picked up the school books I brought with me and tried to get lost in the world of Astronomy. The coordinates in my notes distracted me for long enough that I didn't hear the rush of students coming in for breakfast before class started. Blaise shook me out of my distracted concentration and I found the whole table next to me was full of Slytherin students. My eyes felt sore and my head started to pound from the intense attentiveness I had just given my homework.

"You ok? I didn't see you after he pulled you out of my room" Blaise asks quietly, squeezing in next to me on the bench. His tall frame pushed against mine, the warmness from his body made my body stiffen.

"Yeah" I say, my mind still trying to concentrate on the homework in front of me.

I was so determined not to think about last night.

My eyes slightly unfocused, I lift my head up and watch as Blaise piles a stack of butterscotch pancakes onto his plate.

"Had a big night?" Blaise mocks.

I pull my eyes from the dripping syrup edging off one of his pancakes and finally look at Blaise straight on.

His dark familiar eyes sparkle with the question, a corner of his lip turned up slightly in amusement.

"Could say that" I mumble, flicking my eyes back to my notes.

"You ok?" Blaise pushes, a slight tinge of worry highlighting his question this time.

His question makes my chest tighten and I suddenly feel like I can't breathe. The noise in the hall makes my head thump and my ears ring.

"I need to go" I say abruptly.

Avoiding his gaze, I gather my books in my arms and push myself away from the table. As I storm out of the great hall I hear Blaise call my name but my feet carry me until I reach Potions.

Potions class.

Potions with Harper.

The realisation didn't hit me until I reached the grey metal bracketed door. I look over to our usual bench just opposite the class, the bench Harper and I usually rested on during our break in our double period.

What was I going to say?

I didn't even know how to feel.

Should I feel angry? Sad?

Should I even confront her?

She had been my best friend since day one at Hogwarts. We had done everything together, spent multiple holidays together, studied for many tests together, we had even planned to travel Europe together after school finished. In that moment, the confusion, anxiety and anger finally caught up to me.

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