31. The Apple

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Draco's POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar heaviness on my chest.


I was still laid out on my back, her cheek squished against my left side, her face slightly turned up as she slept. I watched as she breathed deeply, her small button nose blowing out air, her eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly.

I turn my neck careful not to wake her. The clock read 6:05am.

I needed to wake her up soon if she was going to get back to her room without being seen. I opened my mouth but quickly shut it. I couldn't interrupt her, she looked too peaceful.

Last night was insane. The bar, finding her in my room, the desk.

I look over at my desk, flashbacks of her moaning beneath me flicker in my head. I try hard not to wiggle beneath her as my morning wood starts to squeeze against my boxers.

I also wasn't too drunk last night to not remember what I said. My secret about kissing, my inexperience and insecurities about being close to someone. I had never told anyone that before. To be honest, I've never talked about how I felt out  loud. Not even with my parents. Definitely not with my father.

Aster seemed like she was from a family that openly talked about anything and everything. The way she so confidently carried out deep conversations as if she was asking you about your day. It was so easy for her. I didn't know anything about her family though, to be completely honest I didn't know much about her. This dark haired beauty sleeping in my bed.

I feel her stir on top of me. I watch as she moves her head up, her eyes flicker open stubbornly.

Abruptly, she pushes herself up from the bed and off me. I push myself up with my forearms in immediate response.

"What's the time?!" she panics.

She twists round to look for my clock.

"It's 6am" I reply, still watching her wide swollen eyes try to take in the morning light.

"Oh thank god" she mumbles, stretching her legs underneath the tumbled sheets.

She rubs one eye aggressively before she finally looks at me.

"Sorry did I wake you?" she asks, her eyes still squinting.

"No I was awake"

She gives me a soft smile before shuffling herself out of my bed. She was still a sight to behold in my Quidditch training shirt and black boxers, even with her messy morning hair and puffy eyes.

I probably looked hideous.

I brush my hair back with my hands and blink harshly a few times, desperate to get the sleep out of my eyes. I crack my knuckles with a pop and lean myself against the bed frame.

She watches me crack my knuckles, still in a daze from waking up.

I shoot an eyebrow up.

She shakes her head before collecting her things from my floor, picking up her boots and shoving them underneath her arm.

"Did you sleep ok?" I ask timidly.

"I did actually" she replies, shuffling her belongings in her hands.

"You?" she asks.

"Yep" I chuckle.

She smiles to the ground and I watch as a reddish tinge appears on her cheek bones.

"I should go" she says, pointing to the door.

"I'll see you later?" I ask, not sure how this works anymore.

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