12. A Drunk Congratulations

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Draco's POV

I pick myself up from the couch, not giving the guys an excuse for my departure, they knew not to bother me anyway. Swigging the rest of my drink back, I drop my goblet on the coffee table in front of me and casually make my way to my room.

I leave my door open and wait for her to follow me. The fire whiskey causes my skin to heat up, so I pull my Quidditch jumper over my head and throw it in my open trunk.

"I quite liked that on you" a soft voice says from the open door.

I twist around to see Aster leaning against my door, her arms crossed and her wide green eyes looking me up and down. She looks so fucking beautiful, her doe eyes glazed and her soft lips smirking.

"Twice in one day?" I tease her.

"Wanted to come congratulate you" she replies. She steps closer to me, her eyes not leaving mine.

The air turns thick, and I feel my skin prickle at her voice.

"Yeah?" I manage to spit out.

The corners of her lips turn up before she turns around and closes the door, flicking her wand to lock it.

"You looked good out there" she purrs, now stalking towards me.

I don't know if it's the whiskey in my blood or if it's just being so close to her but I can't muster the normal bravado I carry with me. Nothing comes out of my mouth, the only thing I can do is watch her as she licks her lips and flutters her lashes.

She has no idea what she does to me.

"Wow Malfoy, can't handle some half-blood action?" she taunts, her eyes flickering with a second of doubt.

I feel my stomach twist at the word half-blood but I ignore my natural instincts and instead meet the rising anger that associates with that word and launch it on her.

"Fuck off" I growl before I grab her hips and pull her towards me.

We both immediately crash our lips together, desperation seeps through our pores and into our arousal. I moan into our messy kissing and pull her towards the bed. I sit myself on the edge, and pull her onto me. She rests her knees next to my thighs and sits on my hips. Her hands frantically run through my hair as she pushes her hips down onto me, my erection straining against my jeans. After a few minutes, she breaks away from my lips and trails her hands to my fly.

"I think I deserve to be the one to hear you moan my name" I purr into her ear, stopping her from releasing me from my jeans. The strain makes me cringe with pain but for once, I want to make someone else moan with pleasure.

"What is with you and pants? I much prefer you with none" I mutter as I try to pull off her tight jeans. She laughs into my ear and removes herself from my lap.

I watch as she slips off her jeans, revealing her luscious tanned thighs. Her black lace undies have me biting my lips with anticipation.

"Those. Off." I say nodding to her undies, she stands in front of me as she slowly and sensually peels her undies off, knowingly giving me a show worth remembering.

"Fuck Flint" I chuckle.

She smiles at me, a pink blush painting her cheeks.

"Come here" I mumble, pulling her bare legs towards me and patting the bed next to my knees.

She resumes her position on top of me.

"Much better" I mumble watching my hands run up and down her thighs.

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