18. The Alcove

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Aster's POV

The oxygen is punched straight out of my lungs as his feverish lips press against mine. Everything is filtered into white noise as he starts to mold his mouth with my mouth, his breath desperate and his tongue eager.

He wraps his hands around my waist and presses me against him, our bodies flush and warm. He pulls away from my lips and for a second I let out a small groan in his absence. Instead, he leaves small wet kisses down my neck while his hands wander up and around my school skirt. He grips my bum, a finger digging into the flesh with his ring.

"Why do girls wear these bloody stockings?" he groans between kisses, his hand trying to slide beneath the tight fabric to get to my skin.

"I won't wear them next time" I chuckle.

He doesn't flinch or pause at my mention of next time instead he brings his lips back up to mine and plants a firm and slow kiss on them.

"I don't want you wearing anything at all under that skirt next time" he says into my mouth, before he delves his tongue in and we match with both fever and desperation for each other.

It's like time and space have completely vanished as we stand pressed together, our delirium evident in our inability to let go of each other.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps echo from down the empty hallway. We both pull away, only slightly, before Draco shoves us into a dark archway. His body is so close to mine I can hear his heartbeat race as he puts a finger to his lip in an effort to keep me silent. Were both tucked into an arched alcove, Draco pressed facing myself in an effort to keep us as close to the wall as possible.

The footsteps clang against the cobblestones as they get nearer.

My chest feels like it's electrified, a buzz of adrenaline flows through my veins and before I know it I am taking this extraordinary experience to latch my lips onto Draco's neck. He shivers as my lips touch his skin and I look up to find his silver eyes wide with astonishment.

Draco's POV

She was toying with me, and every part of my body was reveling in it but my head was screaming at me to stop.

If someone caught us, I had no way to explain myself.

She was a tidal wave, a stampede, an earthquake, she was unbelievably intoxicating.

I let her soft lips trace their way to my mouth, but I still kept a good grasp on her to keep her flush against me. The alcove we will nestled in was big enough to hide behind but if someone came from another angle or if the person walking their way turned their head they would easily catch us.

I could feel the frosty stone wall even through my thick jumper. It didn't help that every time she would leave a soft lingering kiss on me, my whole body erupted into goosebumps.

I smirked as she stopped to look up at me, the smile that she gave me back was full of mischief and desire. It was so beautiful I had to relax my back onto the wall behind me to stop myself from toppling over.

The footsteps were now only meters away and we both froze in position. Her head nestled in my neck, my hands strapped to her back.

Professor Snape walked by, his dark robes rippling behind him.

We both held our breath until he rounded the next corner.

"Were you scared, Malfoy?" she whispers against my lips, her eyes staring into mine.

"Fuck off Flint, why would I be scared?"

"I know you don't want to be caught, especially not with me" she whispers back. Her tone doesn't change, it still sounds slightly amused.

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