49. The Calm

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He touched me
and it felt
as if
the stars
were dancing
across my skin.

Aster's POV

My whole body was spent. Already. But Draco was relentless, he continued to kiss me deeply, letting his hands wander all over my body, his fingers fiddling with my lingerie appreciatively.

My skin was starting to heat up under the lace fabric and I itched for it to be off and for my skin to be touching his bare skin. He was still wearing his white shirt and dress pants, so I feverishly started to pop the buttons from his shirt to smooth my hands on his chest and up to his shoulders. I pushed the shirt off and leaned forward to plant wet kisses on his collarbones.

He moaned under my touch and I felt his body lift from mine, I watched as he pulled off his dress pants. He groaned with relief as he freed himself from his briefs, kneeling at the end of the bed, he was already so hard, his tip already swollen and red.

My whole body tensed as I drank him in, lean with hardened muscles. He had no idea how breath-taking he was.

I tore my eyes away from his body and found him staring at me with a deep lustful look, the look made me shiver with anticipation. I was suddenly very aware that he was completely naked and I wasn't. As if reading my mind, he looked down at my bra and then my suspenders.

"As much as I really do love my Christmas present, I am quite partial to what's underneath" he announced, licking his bottom lip as his eyes raced down my body.

I didn't reply, instead I pushed myself up from the bed and reached round to unclasp my bra. I slowly pulled the straps down, all while keeping my eyes latched on his. He watched my every move, still at the end of the bed, frozen, his muscles strained.

As soon as I slip the suspenders and underwear off, he starts to crawl towards me, leaving kisses on my legs. Once he gets to my thighs, he licks a long stipe towards my hip making me squirm and groan.

"Draco, please" I begged, the foreplay was too much and I needed relief.

"As you wish, darling"

He swiftly guided my legs to wrap around his hips, circling his tip on my clit, finally lowering it to my entrance and thrusting into me easily.

"Oh my god" I moaned loudly as I clenched around him.

"If that was not the most delicious obscene sound I'd ever heard, I don't know what is" he groaned into my ear. My eyes rolled back as he thrusted into me again.

He continued to steadily increase his thrusts, they were slow but hard. So intense I could already feel my orgasm build in my stomach, the pressure swirling into one pressured point.

"Fuck" I managed to say in a moan.

I found his eyes staring into mine, a mischievous glint now shone back.

He pulled out and grabbed my waist, turning me around on the bed.

I instantly pushed myself up on my knees and pressed my chest into his bed, curving my back for him.

"Fukcing hell Ast" he breathed heavily from behind me.

We hadn't done this position yet, and I could already feel how drenched I was from the anticipation.

His hands gripped hard onto my waist, as he guided himself into me from behind. The pressure was stronger now, the angle was exactly what I needed. My thighs already starting to quiver.

I was clenching tighter around his cock now, and I knew my orgasm was near. He started to pick up the pace and my face unexpectedly slammed into the pillow underneath me.

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