32. Slytherin Vs Gryffindor

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Draco's POV

The Quidditch changing rooms was filled with angsty players and a very angry captain. Montague was frothing at the mouth, his bulging eyes bloodshot.

"This is Gryffindor, we can beat them to a pulp we don't need to play by the exact rules here! If you just do as I say we can fucking win!" he yells to the team gathered around him.

What a pep talk.

I absentmindedly listen to him drone on about plays and how we can knock them off their brooms without being caught. I don't really need to listen to this bullshit anyway, all I needed to do was focus on catching the snitch.

I re-lace my sneakers, my hands desperate to be busy. The rest of the team pick themselves up and make their way to the pitch, with only 5 minutes to go until the games start I quickly re-lace the other sneaker, pulling the shoelace tight.

"Hey!" a high-pitched voice calls from the changing room door.

I look up to find the changing room empty, confused I stare at the door, my eyes searching for whoever called.

I walk over to the door, collecting my broomstick on the way. As soon as I pass the threshold, my sleeve is being yanked from my arm and my body crashes against the wall just outside the door.

"What the fu-" I yell, before my eyes find a familiar set of green eyes staring back at me. I immediately grin as I realise who it is.

She grins back, her eyes laughing at the fact she caught me by surprise.

"Well I mean I don't have a lot of time but I guess we could make out for a few minutes?" I tease, giving her my best smirk.

She rolls her eyes at me but a smile stays wide on her face.

"I just wanted to say good luck" she says quietly, her cheeks pink but her emerald eyes confident.

I can't help but genuinely smile at her. A small warmth spreads throughout my chest.

"Didn't know if you were going to come watch" I admit.

She steps closer to me, and I watch as her hands find their way between my Quidditch robes and up my chest. I try not to shiver under her close touch.

"Oh I'll definitely be watching" she says seductively.

I cock my eyebrow at her in question.

"There's just something about you in your quidditch uniform" she murmurs under her breath, her eyes looking me up and down with satisfaction.

I chuckle. I bring my hands up to her jaw and tilt her head up. Her green eyes glisten with admiration and I have to really stop myself from just devouring her here and now.

"How about I meet you after the game?" I whisper, now staring at her luscious plump lips.

They were so pink and enticing.

"Ok where?" she asks, her own eyes staring at my lips.


"Here? Where everyone can see us together?" she asks, her wide eyes now looking up into mine with confusion.

"Come once everyone is gone. They usually leave after about an hour." I explain.

She nods with my hand still tilting her jaw, my thumb brushing her cheek.

She leans up and presses her lips to mine, a soft gentle kiss that makes my toes curl.

"Good luck" she whispers before she pulls away.

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