9. Shattering Reality

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Aster's POV

The 'ok' echoes in my ear like warm honey. His voice is so alluring and husky, it makes my body shiver and goosebumps rise on my arms.

Like a switch has just been flicked, my body reacts, clinging to him, my hands pull at his sweater and I drag him towards me. His body flush with me, I look up into his eyes and find him staring at me, his mouth slightly open.

"Make me forget" I say before I crash my lips onto his.

Oxygen is grabbed from my lungs at the feverish rush of his lips on mine. I feel his hands run down my sides like he's desperate to feel every inch of me. His touch reaches my thighs and his demanding hands wrap around the underside of them, he lifts me up abruptly and locks my legs around his hips. I gasp at the movement, my lips breaking apart from his in a lust-filled breath. I grip onto his broad shoulder to keep myself steady while he walks towards the closed door behind us. He presses my back harshly against the thick wooden door and wastes no time darting his tongue inside my mouth, dancing it along my own. The taste of fresh peppermint coats my lips and tongue and I moan as he nips at my bottom lip. I open my eyes to find him staring at me, his eyes hot and heavy.

I've been kissed so many times before but this is something I have never experienced.

This has completely shattered my perception of reality, a suffocating tangle of heat and hormones.

His large palms travel up my thighs, his rings digging into them as he grabs the underside of my ass in my tight jeans. My hands travel up his shoulders and to the back of his neck and I can't help but slightly dig my nails into his soft skin as his touch causes me to tense and cry out.

A fever ripples through my body, radiating from my lower stomach as our mouths fold against each other with increasingly eagerness.

A deep groan rises from his chest and I can't help but drag him closer to me on hearing that incredibly hot sound. He responds to my action, by pushing me harder up against the door, his hips now grinding forward into mine. My fingers grip tighter in his hair and I buck my hips into his as he sucks hard on my neck.

Without warning, a large force barges into the back of the door. I feel the shift against my back and I feel Draco push me into the door harder, one hand pushing harshly against it. His eyes grow wide.

"Woah Malfoy, what the fuck?" I gruff voice calls from the other side.

I clasp my hand over my mouth, begging my breath to become silent and even. My other hand pushes against Draco's shoulder, balancing me while he shoves hard against the door to keep from opening.

"Fuck off Nott" he calls back, anger growing rapidly in his sharp features. He keeps his burning eyes on mine, his lips in a tight line.

Shuffling comes from behind me and my body tenses.

"Dude, is that Pansy?" Nott questions, a chuckle follows.

I bite down on my lips, desperate to keep my breathing silent.

"Fuck off" Draco replies, venom dripping from his tone. I flick my eyes to his lips as he bites them in frustration. My eyes go wide.

We listen to Nott's steps echoing down the hallway behind us.

He breaks the tension by giving me a smirk. His eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Maybe next time I'll remember to lock the door" he whispers, bringing his lips back to my neck and grasping my thighs tighter as he lifts his hand from the door behind me.

This time his kisses are softer and slower, as if tasting every particle on my skin. I lean my head back on the door, relishing in the softness of his lips. He slowly lets go of my thighs, leaving me to unsteadily bring my legs back to earth. He leaves a hand on my hip, and draws small circles with his thumb just above my jeans.

I groan softer this time, the sound reverberating from my lips. His touch sending me to a dreamy, lust-filled place. I leave my eyes closed as he leaves wet kisses down my neck and to my clavicle. I just stand there, my hands pressed against his shoulders, my head rolled back.

"Fuck, Flint" he murmurs.

The sound of my name coming from his lips causes the butterflies in my stomach to do multiple flips.

He lifts his head up and I feel his fingers tilt my chin down. I open my eyes to find him staring at me.

"I think that was the hottest thing I've ever done" he admits, a small blush grows on his pale cheeks.

"That was nothing," I reply, keeping my voice low and alluring.

His eyes roll to the back of his head as he brings his knuckle to his mouth.

I chuckle at his expression, pleasure radiating through my bones at his non-verbal compliment.

"Do you have anywhere to be?" I ask, timidly. I feel my heart beat quicker as the words leave my mouth.

"Fuck no" he replies, the edges of his lips tug up in surprise.

He leans behind me and grabs his wand from the dresser next to the door.

"Colloportus" He mutters, his voice confident and steady. I hear a lock flick into place and he places his wand back on his dresser before he returns to face me.

"Show me what you've got Flint" he says, his voice low and sultry.

Just wanted to say a quick hi to my new readers! Let me know how far you want the spice to go and I'll write the next chapter for the majority 😏

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