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"Anna, please take my advice and go on a vacation for the summer." my therapist begged.

"Roger, I understand where you're coming from, but you know how much I hate taking breaks form classes and not working.", I said.

"Honey, you're parents don't pay me to sit here and tell you what you want to hear.  They pay me to tell you what you need to hear and what you need to hear right now is that you need to take a break.  It's almost the end of May, and we both know what comes up in June."

"I know what month it is.  I'm not even stressed.  I haven't even been having any panic attacks for the last few months."

"Oh dear, the fact that you don't think you're stressed right now makes me even more nervous.  I got your results back from your monthly general check-up and your numbers are higher than my 60 year old mother's numbers were last time she went for a check-up.", Roger said shaking his head.

"Ughhh, fine Roger. I'll take your advice and take a break, but you and I both know that my parents aren't going to like this.", I gave in.

"Thank you, Anna.  If you would like you can invite your parents in today when we are finished and I can give them my recommendation myself."

"Ah it's cool.  I'll tell them later once I've decided where I want to go, thanks though."

"Ok, well lets get on with our session then shall we", Roger said getting out his little notebook.  "How did your classes go last semester?"

"Easy passed them all no problem", I said relaxing back into the couch I was sitting on.

"Friends?", he questioned.

"Outside of my roommates, people that work for mom and dad, and my family I didn't have time to really make any close friends.", I said knowing that's not the answer he wanted.

Roger sighed disappointed.  "You can't go your whole life without letting any of your friends get close just because you're scared something's going to happen to one of them."

"I know, it's just that I don't want any of my current friends to be any closer than they are now.  I'm happy with my life."

"Are you happy, or are you just content because you are afraid to change something for fear that something bad will happen again?"

I didn't answer Roger's question for a while so he took it as a sign to move on.  "Have you ever dated anyone?"

"Next, question", I said squirming in my seat.

"You can't avoid that question forever.  I've asked it several times now and I will continue to ask it until you answer it."

"Next question please", I said through gritted teeth.

"How's work going?"

"Good, I just got some of the samples back for my new summer line, and dad really likes them so we should be dropping it within the next few weeks.  I need to start teasing it on my social medias today after our session to gain some traction.  Oh that reminds me I need to send an email to my marketing team.", I said getting out my phone to send a work email.

"Ah, ah, ah,  you know the rules.", Roger said grabbing my phone from me.  "No working while you're in my office".

"Ughhh, come on Roger I just need to send this one email.", I complained.

"No", Roger scolded, "and I don't want you sending any emails, answering any calls, designing any lines, endorsing any products, or anything else work related while you're on this vacation."

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