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Jossilyn had set her alarm for 7:30 since she had to be to work at 8:00.  I didn't get up until 9:00.  I got up and started my day how I usually do by making breakfast and eating it out on the porch.  I didn't have anything to do this morning and I didn't know when my mother was going to call me with my sisters so that we could all talk about the back to school line we were collaborating on.

My mom called me a little after 1:00 and we all started talking about the specifics like who would be in charge of what, whether I wanted to come back early or if the girls wanted to come stay here for a bit, when we would start teasing the line, when we would actually release it, marketing, budgeting, theme, what we for sure wanted included in the line and what we didn't want in the line.

We had been talking for a solid hour when Jossilyn walked in from work, which made my mom gasp.  "Anna! Who's in your house!?"

"Oh, no one mom don't worry about it", I said trying to divert their attention away from Jossilyn.

"No, sis, a random girl definitely just walked into your house.", Sabrina said.

"Ughhh... if you all must know it was not a random girl it was Jossilyn.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Who is Jossilyn, and why did she just walk into your house?", Abby asked.

"Hi", Jossilyn said wrapping her arms around me and leaning down so that her face was in the camera, "I'm Jossilyn."

My mom and sisters gasped at the bold actions of Jossilyn.

"Oh so you're the girl from the picture, now it all makes sense.", Sabrina said.

"Yep, that's me."

"So are you and Anna like dating then?", Abby asked.

"Abby!", I shouted, "Could you not"

"Oh, don't act like you weren't expecting us to ask after what just happened", Sabrina said rolling her eyes.

"Girls, I think we should focus more on planning for this line and less on who your sister may or may not be dating.", mom said trying to help me out.

"Thank you, mom"

"Eh, I think Anna should just answer Abby's question and then we can get back to work", Sabrina said.

I looked at Jossilyn and apologized.  "I'm sorry about them."

"Oh, no it's fine.", she said kissing me on the cheek.  "Yes, we're dating", she said and then walked off into the kitchen.

My sisters and mother were stunned at her response.

"What!", Abby exclaimed excited.

"Tell us everything!", Sabrina said.

"Yeah, and don't leave out any details", Abby said.

"Girls", my mother scolded.  "Like you both, I am more than happy to hear that your sister has found someone who makes her happy, but as for right now we really need to get along with this line because we need to get started ASAP to get everything in by the time back to school season starts."

"Ughhh, you're such a buzz kill sometimes, mom", Abby complained.

"Yeah, well if I am putting my name on a line with the three of you, then you can best bet that we are going to do it right so who's going where and when because you three need to get together to do designs."

"I say that Abby and I go stay with Anna for a week and we can do them then.", Sabrina offered.

"Yeah, and then we can meet Anna's new girlfriend.", Abby said excitedly.

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