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I spent pretty much all of Friday in bed not wanting to be seen by anyone.  My sisters came in and checked on me a couple of times but didn't force me to get up or anything.  Sabrina made me drink some water and eat a granola bar for lunch.  Abby opened my blinds to let sunlight in but I kept shutting them after she left.  They also told me that there were a lot more people outside from the media and that they were closer to the house so all of the blinds and curtains were pulled.

I only texted Jossilyn a couple of times, but I didn't really feel like talking to anyone and I didn't want to risk taking out my emotions on her because she didn't do anything wrong.  She was very understanding and didn't make me feel bad, which I was extremely thankful for.

 Even though Friday felt like it lasted forever it did finally end.  I didn't get much sleep that night, and what I did was restless.  Saturday was the opposite.  I had to be up and around early because my sister's were leaving.  I still did not feel like being around people so I didn't mind that Jossilyn had to work at the beach in the morning and her dad needed her for the evening shift so she couldn't come over.

Sunday wasn't much different in the sense that I still didn't really want to talk to anyone.  Jossilyn didn't want to pressure me so she hung out with her friends for the day, but she did tell me that her parents told her that she could come back with me for a couple of weeks and her boss had already approved the time off work, which I was very glad to hear.

I was in a way better by the time I woke up on Monday, and I actually left the house and went down by the water.  By now most of the media who were here over the weekend had left so I was able to relax without too many eyes on me.  Jossilyn came over and we had dinner and watched a movie before she went home for the night. 

The rest of the week was kind of a blur.  I pretty much stuck to my routine of getting up, making breakfast and eating it on the porch, then spent some time on the beach, before heading in for the afternoon to relax and either watch Netflix or read a book.  Jossilyn came over Thursday evening and stayed the night before getting up to go to work Friday morning.

The next week was pretty much the same as the last.  The only difference was on Tuesday when I went to the park to meet up with Jossilyn and her friends for a bit before going back to her place to stay the night.  While I was there I told them that Jossilyn and I would be flying out privately on Saturday morning at 8:00 and everything that I knew of that we would be doing for sure while she was there.  I also told them that she would be flying back alone privately but that the time she would be back hadn't been scheduled yet.

I spent Thursday night and all day Friday packing my stuff and getting ready to leave.  I called the landlord and told him that the key would be left under the mat and thanked him for letting me stay for so long.  I woke up at 6:00 Saturday morning to finish packing and cleaning the house before leaving.  Jossilyn and I had agreed to meet at the airport so that she could say bye to her family and they could watch us take off if they wanted to.

I got to the airport at straight up 8:00 because as much as I was ready to see my family I was not ready to leave this place yet.  I had grown to love it and the people here.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that you're supposed to get to the airport early", Jossilyn teased as she walked up to hug me.

"What are they going to do leave me?  We own the plane, they aren't allowed to take off till I say so", I laughed.  

"Rich people", Jossilyn said rolling her eyes.

"You're just jealous the pilot doesn't answer to you.", I said handing my stuff to the flight attendant.  "Are you ready?"

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