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The next morning came and I woke up sitting in bed with a book on my lap.  I then remembered that I had been waiting for Abby to get back last night, but must have accidentally fallen asleep before she got back. 

I went to the living room to make sure she had made it back and found her asleep on the couch, while Sabrina was sprawled out on the floor.

I texted Jossilyn and told her good morning before going to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

              "Good morning, love!"

              "Good morning princess! How did you sleep?"

              "Good, how was your walk home with my sister?"

              "Good, we just talked and she got to know me a little better.  You know typical sister questions I guess.  What are your plans for the day?"

              "That's good I guess, and I don't have any plans for the day do you still want to come over?"

              "Yeah, that sounds great, but I have to work the morning shift at the restaurant with my dad so I won't be able to come till later this afternoon :("

              "That's ok my sisters aren't awake yet anyway."

              "Lol, they don't really seem like morning people so maybe you should let them sleep.  I'll see you this afternoon :)"

              "Haha you got that right for sure, and can't wait! I'll be counting down the hours ;)"

              "Oh my lol you have too much time on your hands babe"

              "What can I say vacation is boring sometimes when you're technically not supposed to do work of any kind."

              "That hasn't seemed to stop you so far lol"

              "Hey now, there is no need to be calling me out like that.  Plus you have no idea how hard it has been not to work up until now."

              "Yeah, I guess that's the perks of loving what you do.  Now as much as I'd love to just sit here and text you all day I really have to get to work before my dad yells at me again.  Imagine how embarrassing it would be to get fired from a job you didn't even apply for, and it being your dad who fired you lol."

              "Ok lol fair enough talk to you later, love"

After making and eating breakfast I went down to the beach and spent some time surfing.  Sabrina and Abby woke up around mid morning and came out and joined me on the beach.  

"I didn't know you could surf!", Sabrina exclaimed as I walked back to where her and Abby were sitting.

"Jossilyn taught me."

"Awe I'm sure that made for a super cute date and bonding experience."

"It was, and speaking of bonding experiences, Abby,", I said now turning to her, "why did you feel the need to walk Jossilyn home last night."

"I just wanted to get to know her a bit more one-on-one."

"Really? You didn't scare her off or threaten her did you?"

"No, I would never do such a thing.", Abby laughed.  "I simply  asked her a few questions and just wanted to talk with her a bit, you know, typical sister things."

"Mhmm, you know if I find out different that I am going to literally going to disown you right?", I teased.

"Eh, if you do then I guess it's your loss", she teased back.

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