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study... date ? | pt.2


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jihoon got there late, he noticed all four of the japanese boys there... yes, four.

but what ticked him off the most was how junkyu was there. "oh, you're finally here jihoon" junkyu smiled widely.

"what are you doing here junkyu ?" jihoon sarcastically smiled.

"i finished my shift at the cafe across the street, & i saw mashiho sitting here by himself. i told him i'd keep him company until his friends were here"

"okay well we're all here, i'll tex–"

he kissed mashiho's cheek.

junkyu kissed mashiho's cheek. "i'll be going now, bye" he bowed before he left. "mashiho are you okay ?? do you want me to go beat him up" asahi asked.

even tho he's the shy one he's overprotective of the three other japanese boys. especially now that they're in a different country.

"i-im fine, it was just unexpected, sorry for that jihoon" mashiho apologized.

"uhh– its fine, let's get started on why we're really here" he chuckled nervously.

truth was, jihoon was mad when junkyu did that without mashiho's consent, & even more since he slightly has an interest in mashiho.

something told him yoonbin would approve of him.


"thanks for the help" four of the japanese boy's bowed. "it was no trouble ! you're all so smart it's like you guys were tutoring me instead" jihoon laughed.

mashiho stayed behind, he still wanted to hangout with jihoon. "sorry about junkyu" he apologized.

"oh it's fine!" mashiho blushed, it was the first time anyone has kissed him tho, so now it's something he'll never forget.

"wanna go get ice cream ? i'll pay" jihoon asked sweetly . mashiho smiled as he agreed.

the two boy's were enjoying the walk to the nearby ice cream parlor. they kept telling jokes & mashiho told him stories from japan.


as the two boy's were eating their ice cream a unexpected question came up.

"are you gay ?" both of the boy's asked at the same time. "i am..." mashiho blushed, "you ?..." the short boy asked trying not to make the situation awkward.

"im bisexual, but i mainly have a interest in boy's" jihoon shyly answered. finally it was out in the open.

"im going to be honest, i think you're cute"

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