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your average teen. he was an amazing student, he was well known for being ranked number one in his entire class, therefor being the most well known kid in his grade.

he would hangout with jihoon to study, it wasn't until the japanese exchange students came, when he realized jihoon was changing.

"jihoon, you seem upset, is everything okay ?" he sweetly asked sitting next to him, their first class was about to start.

"yea im fine, just stressed for the english test" that's when seokhwa knew everything wasn't fine.

jihoon is fluent in english.

it was time for lunch. seokhwa went downstairs to the nearest vending machine. as he was picking out what milk he'd want to drink, he overheard the japanese boy's talking.

"who are you going to the carnival with ?"

"im thinking of asking jihoon"

"the tour guid ??"

"for the last time yoshi, he is not a tour guid. i plan on asking him at the end of day" he recognized the voice. it was the voice of mashiho, the one who jihoon studies with now.

"looks like i'll be asking jihoon first" seokhwa smirked returning back to class. truth was, he likes jihoon, ever since their sophomore year when he had no one to be paired up with, jihoon afford him, seokhwa & yoonbin to be a trio .

final class

"hey jihoon" seokhwa smiled walking up to him & junkyu. "hey" he smiled. that smile would make his day, he never understood why mashiho would lead him on. how does he even know about jihoon & mashiho ???? it's obvious, everyone in their grade talks about the two boy's.

"i was wondering if you'd like to go to the carnival with me, you probably won't but it fine if you don't want to go with m–"

"okay, i'll pick you up at 5" he chuckled. their teacher finally let the class go, he was surprised, he really agreed so easily ? park jihoon, one of the most popular kids was going to go with him. to the carnival .


"so, seokhwa~~~" junkyu teased his best friend. "chill, i agreed so that way hyunsuk won't get mad at us for trying to still get with mashiho" he informed playfully pushing Junkyu.

"who knows, he could be 'the one'" he softly laughed . "& let you be with mashiho ? yea, no" jihoon teased.

but then they both saw him.

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