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the fight | pt.2


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"because of you he kissed doyoung in front of me, that's even worse than him going with you to this carnival" junkyu was in pain. now he knows what his victims felt like. he would do anything not to feel this way again

"wh-what ??" jihoon was shocked. his heart also ached.

"you've both left me no damn choice, mashiho is officially not apart of this friend group" hyunsuk stated. "what ?!" both the boy's knew they messed up now.

"unless you both stop acting like jackasses, he's not apart of his friend group, im not joking either, for all i care doyoung can date him"

'doyoung can date him' both the boy's didn't want that. "can you at least tell me why he's crying" jihoon asked rubbing his right cheek.

"he wouldn't tell me why... i asked if it involved you & he stayed silent, that's when doyoung came & offered to take mashiho home... & he-"

"okay i get it... look, i really like mashiho, i only agreed to come here with seokhwa to not hurt your feelings... i don't know what more i can do" junkyu didn't realize how much his best friend sacrificed for him.

"i appreciate our friendship, but after today, im done holding back, i had so many chances to confess my feelings... & as of today, im no longer holding back."

jihoon wanted to speak, but how could he ? he's been so selfish, he felt guilty for lying to his own best friend, he's kissed mashiho, confessed & so much more.

"okay, i understand... i'll be going back to my date now" & just like that, jihoon left without saying anything else. junkyu stood there noticing hyunsuk & yedam looking at him.

"shows over..."

"we know, come with us junkyu, forget about everything else, enjoy the carnival with us" yedam smiled holding out his hand for him. the taller both smiled accepting that offer.



"im so sorry i have no idea what got into me, i was just sad at jihoon & im sorry"

"it's fine, let's just eat" doyoung smiled handing mashiho the pink lemonade he asked for, along with the food they'd both decided to share.

"so why were you crying ?" doyoung was concerned, he brought mashiho to also get his mind off of both the boy's... but it seemed like he was doing an awful job already.

"seokhwa told me what jihoon thinks of me... jihoon told him im just an exchange student to him... i get that i asked to be friends, but still, he lied to me on so many levels if he just thinks of me as a-"

"he doesn't think that, he probably just told seokhwa that"

"even if that's so, im sure he meant it" he frowned taking a sip of his drink. "you don't have to tell me the story by the way, i don't want you to cry again"

mashiho laughed. "trust me, im done crying over him"

"good, we're here to forget about him" doyoung chuckled feeding mashiho the meal they're sharing.

"the story tho... it all starts three months ago"

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