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the story

**this is all information regarding to the big three month gap**▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

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**this is all information regarding to the big three month gap**

it all started with junkyu...

both him & jihoon were hanging out during their school lunch period, they were both simply sitting outside where it allllllll started.

"jihoon, i think i have my next victim" his heart stopped. he knew it was probably mashiho, he had been hanging out with both of them recently.

"who ?"
"mashiho" junkyu chuckled. he knew it, typical junkyu.

jihoon pretended to care. "oh really ? thats good" but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere near mashiho. after all, he had been secretly hanging out with him.

it started with the tour, then them hanging out during lunch, & afterwards staying after school to study with a few classmates in their physics class.

what junkyu didn't realize was, his plan would backfire. after lunch he asked mashiho on a 'date'. it was just them going to the movies.

when he was planning on planting a kiss on mashiho he looked at the shorter boy. his korean was still really bad.

mashiho meant to say "is everything okay?" but his words got mixed up & said "is it okay baby ?". junkyu didn't bother asking, he just smiled & looked away.

that's where rumors started. junkyu went blabbing to everyone about the date, but yet they thought jihoon & mashiho were a thing since they're so close.

mashiho's english class

"so do you like junkyu or jihoon ?" mashiho's classmate asked. his korean was still extremely bad, he assumed they asked if he was friends with them

"yes" he confidently said. his classmate laughed. "no- never mind i'll just assume you're gonna get played by junkyu"

once again mashiho didn't know what he said. "okay!" he smiled. his classmate kept laughing while walking away.

mashiho wasn't aware people were talking behind his back, so when jihoon informed him on his broken japanese he felt upset. he thought people wanted to talk to him because they wanted to be friends, not because they wanted to know personal information about him & the two other boy's.

he put it past himself, until one of his classmates got played by junkyu.

"what's wrong goeun ??"
"because of whatever you did to junkyu he decided to make me his victim, he invited me to hangout & i stupidly fell for it & him. please just leave me alone mashiho, the last thing i want is for another one of your friends to target me because of you !" the entire class heard, they all whispered upon themselves.

the only thing mashiho did was ditch junkyu to 'study' with jihoon...

after all, it had been a week since they both confessed to each other


"mashiho, once junkyu moves on, i'd like for us to be together" mashiho wasn't sure if he heard correctly. but he kept smiling disregarding that. "you mean like dating ?" he asked with the biggest smile on his face. the older nodded.

"but what happens when i have to go back to japan ?" both the boy's forgot about that. "i'll apply to the same university as you in japan ! it'll be my turn to be the exchange student"

park jihoon made mashiho feel like the only person in the world. he thought he was in love.

but there were also multiple times he had small moments with junkyu.


the day junkyu decided to make mashiho his victim he wanted to treat mashiho to the cafe near their school, it was one of the tricks within the group, him & everyone in his group besides jihoon would take their pick of exchange students there. some succeed, some don't.

yoon jaehyuk tried taking mashiho's friend there, he failed miserably, he didn't even get to ask the question, the japanese boy straight up said no.

kim doyoung wanted to take yoshi, but as they talked he found out he had a boyfriend, so he respected that.

park jeongwoo took haruto to demonstrate to their youngest, junghwan.

as both the boy's were there mashiho had some frosting on his lips from the strawberry short cake he was eating. junkyu being the play boy that he is wiped it with his thumb, he was leaning in, he was determined to kiss him, until the japanese boy slightly backed away.

other times were when mashiho was too short to get things from their school library, junkyu would trap mashiho & there was a point where mashiho almost even let him take his first kiss, until he heard girls giggling. he didn't want to be know as the exchange student who got played by the most obvious play boy in their school.

but the one that made mashiho instantly have mixed feelings was when he was helping junkyu study, without jihoon. of course that was before they confessed, but junkyu played with the shorter's boy hair, he delicately moved his chin up, as he was about to go in for a kiss his younger sister knocked on the door asking for scissors.

mashiho made an excuse on how it was getting late, it was only 4:45 in the afternoon.

the carnival

"as you can tell, both of them played me" the japanese boy chuckled biting the inside of his lip to prevent him from crying.

"junkyu i understand, he told us about those times, but jihoon ??? we didn't even know if he had his first kiss before meeting you..." mashiho was in shock, even he wasn't aware of how much jihoon keeps from them.

"you deserve better mashiho, now cmon, let's go meet up with the others" doyoung gave mashiho a warm smile as he held his hand for the shorter boy to take. he softly kissed his right cheek doing so.

"thanks doyoung, im glad i came with you" mashiho informed

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