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mashiho & jihoon both have gone through so much, since when mashiho was an exchange student in korea up until now. two years have gone by & both mashiho & jihoon are now sophomores.

the two boys got a lot closer, mashiho would be lying if he said his old feelings aren't coming back. after all both the boy's even share a room together.

there were always a few encounters between them. but jihoon wasn't sure what to think of it, after everything he put through on the japanese boy, he had no right to try anything.

that was until mashiho made the first move.

his parents were going out of town for a few weeks, they trusted the two boy's to not misbehave. on the first week mashiho would try & make moves, he couldn't let go of his feelings for jihoon, & jihoon couldn't let go of his feelings for mashiho as well.

the two boy's decided to have a date, as a test run of course. jihoon pretended to pick mashiho up, he waited in the living room & knocked on their bedroom door. "im here to pick up my date" he joked

"let me go get him for you" mashiho laughed as all he did was close the door & open again, the only difference was that mashiho had a jacket on this time.

they went out to a restaurant where they then ate miso soup with tempura. the date itself was amazing, jihoon kept making mashiho laugh, he found it adorable whenever the older would say cute phrases in japanese.

once they got home jihoon laid in bed with mashiho, he simply kissed his cheek as they both drifted to sleep.

2 weeks later

both the boys were on yet, another date, mashiho was planning on confessing, both the boy's were planning on going to a café.

"mashiho, i–"
the japanese boy kissed the older, all their old feelings were officially back.

"i like you..." the older smiled at that sentence. he couldn't believe it, after everything they've both been through, they'd finally be together.

"i like you too" he cupped mashiho's cheek as he kissed him again. both the boy's were extremely happy by the outcome.

3 years later

mashiho & jihoon graduated, jihoon was on his first year in med school, he was still staying with mashiho & his parents.

mashiho was on his first year of vet school. both the boy's were thriving in school & in their relationship.

jihoon still keeps in touch with junkyu, junkyu is actually doing well, he's currently not seeing anyone, he's focusing on his career as an architect.

as he was on the phone with junkyu, he asked his opinion on him giving mashiho a promise ring. his best friend was surprised but supported him, after all, after a promise ring comes the real engagement ring, & after that, marriage.

1 week later

it was time, park jihoon was going to give his boyfriend takata mashiho, a promise ring.

as they headed for a late night walk, they walked towards a park, they began to sit on a park bench in front of a lake.

"mashiho" the shorter boy turned around & noticed his boyfriend kneeling on the ground, his eye's widened in surprise. he was on the verge of tears.

"im sorry for all the past mistakes i've done, i was an idiot, but these past four years have been the absolute best, im not officially proposing, this is a promise ring. i promise to continue to love you, i promise to propose to you once you're done with vet school, i promise to give you the future you desire. i love you takata mashiho"

& with that they both shared a kiss, jihoon slid the promise ring onto mashiho's finger.

"i can't wait for our future" the japanese boy smiled

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