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the fight | pt.1


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"nice of you & your date to join us" hyunsuk chuckled as he saw them holding hands. mashiho was holding back his tears.

"ahh yea..." jihoon awkwardly laughed. "can we go get tickets now, some of us want to ride the rides you know" jeongwoo informed . "alright let's go" yedam smiled wrapping his arm around jeongwoo. all fourteen of the boy's were talking towards the ticket booth.

"yes mashiho ?"
"you're allowed to... kiss me..." his voice was shaky.

"uh, i was joking when i asked that, but are you sure you want me to do that ? i don't want to take away your first kiss or something" doyoung awkwardly informed. mashiho only wanted to make jihoon jealous, he looked up & saw him laughing with seokhwa, so yea, he wasn't thinking straight.

"we're here to make jihoon regret being an idiot, so yes im sure" he smiled. "huh, that's cute" the taller boy smiled looking at the shorter.

"alright, we all meet back to where we met up in exactly one hour, okay ?" hyunsuk stated. knowing these idiots he knew they would get lost & spam their group chat, & he didn't want that so he informed them in person.

"got it!" they all informed walking away.

junkyu frowned as he noticed mashiho & doyoung going off on their own.

"aye, why is mashiho with doyou– wait that's his date ?" jihoon asked. "yup"

jihoon had no right to be mad nor jealous, but yet he felt those two things. "cmon jihoon, i wanna go on the carousel !~~" he especially had no right to feel those things while being on a date with someone else.


both mashiho & doyoung were walking around playing the games. doyoung won mashiho a stuffed animal, it was a hamster.

"i know we're here to make you forget about jihoon, but i want to know why you like him so much" it was a question mashiho didn't know how to answer without exposing so many things.

"it's a pretty long story..." he chuckled as doyoung firmed his grip. "i've got time" he smiled. mashiho now understands why so many people found doyoung attractive.

"let's get food & i'll tell you all about him"
"deal, & i'll pay, after all you're my date" doyoung winked.

mashiho sat down as doyoung went to buy the food. he was scrolling through instagram when seokhwa randomly appeared. "hey mashiho" he cheekily smiled.

"hi" mashiho blankly replied. "how's your date with doyoung ?" he asked. "it's going really well" he smiled

"that's good, jihoon is on a ride with junkyu, he begged me to go but im too scared of the one they went on, i mean it goes up & suddenly drops!"

mashiho laughed, he hates those types of rides too. "by the way, sorry about what happened at junkyu's place, if i knew sooner that jihoon sees you only as an exchange student i wouldn't have ma–"

"w-what ?" mashiho's heart dropped. did he hear that correctly ??

"you didn't know ??? he told me before we came that he only sees you as an exchange student"

"im sorry seokhwa... i have to g-go to the ba-bathro-ro-oom" mashiho ran before he would stutter even more.

"where did mashiho go ??" doyoung asked placing their food down in the table. "he said he was going to the bathroom"

"oh alright"


mashiho was running, he didn't see where he was going. "woa-" he looked up & saw it was junkyu.

"mashiho, why are you crying ??" he asked extremely worried wiping away his tears. "did doyoung do something to you ?" he angrily asked

mashiho shook his head. "so then why are yo– don't tell me stupid jihoon caused this" mashiho stayed silent.

the taller boy sighed as he softly rubbed on the shorter boy's cheeks. "mashiho... i-"

"aye what's wrong" doyoung worriedly asked as he saw both junkyu & mashiho outside the boy's restroom.

"not sure" he didn't want doyoung involved so he didn't say anything. "you were taking longer than expected, so i came to find you, if you're having a bad time i can ta–"

maahiho kissed doyoung in front of junkyu. "let's go" he smiled as he held his hand walking them back to their table. doyoung was shocked. he couldn't process anything.

junkyu's heart dropped. he had no one to blame except jihoon. he ran trying to find him


jihoon was with hyunsuk & yedam, three of the boy's were deciding what ride they were going to go on next.

"jihoon" junkyu yelled . "oh, hey ju–" he punched his best friend.

"junkyu what the fuck" hyunsuk yelled pushing him back. "you idiot, what did you say to mashiho"

"i haven't talked to him the entire day!" jihoon defended himself. "aye, calm down" yedam whispered to jihoon.

jihoon was angry, he didn't even know mashiho cried.

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