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'best friend'


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its been four weeks since junkyu confessed. jihoon stopped hanging out with the rest of his friends, mashiho moved on...

yup he moved onto doyoung.


"there's no way !" jaehyuk yelled. the boys soon shifted their eye's to jaehyuk

"hyunsuk, doyoung is dating mashiho" he laughed. everyone looked at the two boy's. "how long ago ??" jihoon asked. his heart dropped.

"a week ago, it just happened" doyoung informed, everyone was shocked. "hyunsuk, you can't possibly let that happen !" junkyu was protesting. he didn't like the idea of doyoung & mashiho.

"i told you, i could careless if doyoung dates him, i specifically said that while you two morons were arguing"

that was true, hyunsuk did tell them that.

"this is all your fault jihoon !"
"me ?? what the hell, you would hate it even more if i dated mashiho !"

the two were at it again. "so how'd it happen doyoung ?? tell us everything !" junghwan enthusiastically asked. he did it so junkyu & jihoon would focus on something else, other than both of them yelling at each other.

"he told me how junkyu confessed, & how you made him uncomfortable by kissing him" the younger's eyes glared at junkyu in the most protective way possible. junkyu jumped.

"– anyways, he was telling me how he was actually going to consider returning those feelings. but hyunsuk randomly appeared at the cafe & joined us. he basically told mashiho to date someone else"

"hyunsuk !" junkyu yelled annoying. "would you honestly cut off your best friend for mashiho ?"

the group fell silent, the boy looked at his best friend. he hesitated to answer, "i-i would"

jihoon's face went into shock. that's when he realized his best friend wouldn't do the same, he basically ignored mashiho for the sake of their friendship & all of a sudden his own best friend is saying he'd cut him off for an exchange student they've known for four months

"oou, drama ~~"
"shut up jeongwoo" the leader snapped.

"go on with your story doyoung" jihoon demanded. he kept making eye contact with his so called 'best friend'.

"when i walked mashiho home he told me that he wanted to move on from both of you, he had mixed feelings & i guess every since then he's moved on"

jihoon kept making eye contact with his 'best friend'.

"i can't believe i considered you a best friend"

"jihoon !" yedam called out, but the older boy just kept walking.

who wouldn't blame him ?? he basically had a chance with a boy he likes, & threw it away just so him & his best friend wouldn't get into anymore fights.


& that's the reason why jihoon stopped hanging out with the group, at least for a while. he just needed space.

he would spend his breaks at the school's library studying, or simply using his phone, he'd be on the second floor of the library. junghwan, hyunsuk & the other three japanese boy's would occasionally be there with him. not all together of course.

"so how's doyoung & mashiho ?" he suddenly asked, he desperately wanted to know

"they hangout with us, junkyu moved on i think ? he seems fine whenever mashiho hangs out with us, but he makes this upset face whenever doyoung would kiss mashiho's cheek."

the last part made jihoon regret his past mistakes.

"cmon junghwan, let's go back the group" the older smiled as the younger's jaw dropped. he didn't question anything, he just packed his things up & left with the older.

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