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jihoon was on his way to junkyu's house. they both paired up to be partners for their project.

jihoon was thinking of way's to get out of going to the carnival with seokhwa. it was in three day's, so he needed to think qu–

'no jihoon, you're not going to cancel on him. you can't be like the rest, we'll pick him at five & have an amazing day' he happily told himself.

he knocked in front of junkyu's door. to his surprise, mashiho & seokhwa were there.

'fuck you junkyu...' he told himself as he awkwardly smiled at them.

"i invited them to study ! we all have one class together, & that's physics, i need all the help i can get, im sorry" junkyu apologized to his best friend. "you're such a pain" he playfully said as they all sat down at junkyu's dinning table.

mashiho couldn't help but stare at jihoon & seokhwa, both the boy's were practically flirting in front of him.

"so mashiho, i heard you made it to the top five in our grade" seokhwa smiled. "yea im surprised..." he awkwardly chuckled. he hates seokhwa.

"so about the carnival, who will you be going with mashiho ?" seokhwa asked cockily. jihoon shifted his eyes up waiting for a response. mashiho froze.

"he's coming with me & my friends as a group" junkyu interrupted. "i ship you guys ! don't you jihoon ?"

"yea... they're cute together" he lied. the two other boy's jaw dropped. seokhwa was enjoying the mess he was making. "j-jihoon are you okay ????" junkyu asked surprised.

"i have to go, haruto got l-lost on his way to the... uh– bakery. yea, bye" & just like that the short boy fled away.

tears were streaming down his face. 'stupid jihoon, he told me he likes me... why would he say that'

junkyu's house

"okay, thanks, bye seokhwa~~"
"what the fuck jihoon" junkyu switched up his tone. even tho he also likes mashiho he knows jihoon didn't mean it.

"what ? cmon, it's true" he bluntly stated

"jihoon... i think you made mashiho cry, like cmon, i get hes your first crush, but to make him cr–"

"why the hell do you care ? you made people cry all the time, when you stand them up, use them, ghost them, how is this any worse ?" jihoon instantly regretted saying that.

"you know why i do that stop talking before you regret i—" too late.

"what ? & say that the reason you do it is because you want to get your mind off me ? i get that i rejected you, & that now we both like the same guy. but you doing all that shit wasn't going to get me jealous, or yet find you even the slightest bit attractive. you've lied to others saying mashiho is your first crush. but it's me, & only yoonbin knows. i like mashiho for a reason, he's the opposite of you. he's nothing like you." & he made his best friend cry.

"please just go..."

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