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▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂present day。

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present day

"hi guys" mashiho smiled walking up to his fellow friends. "hi mashi, did you sleep well ?" yoshi asked softly.

"yup ! so who are you guys going to the carnival with ?" the shorter boy asked smiling. "jeongwoo asked me to go with him, he said he'd teach me how to get girls... which is kinda like awkward cus im not straight..."

the other three boy's just laughed. "im sorry but the way you said that was hilarious" asahi informed

"what about you asahi ? who are you going with ?" haruto asked

"nO ! i told you im going with mahiro, go with the korean kid who asked you"

"mahiro ??" both mashiho & haruto asked confusingly. "yea, since he wasn't picked to be an exchange student his parents are allowing him to come for a day, but only for the carnival" yoshi smiled. mahiro is his boyfriend back in japan. they were both sad when he wasn't chosen to come abroad with us.

"hold up, who asked asahi ?" mashiho questioned giggling. "no one, now come, we have class to attend" he informed pulling on mashiho's sweater.

well someone is in a hurry.


"so who are you guys gonna ask to go to the carnival ?" hyunsuk asked eating his bag of m&m's

"im going with haruto to pick up girls" jeongwoo informed

"im going with junghwan to teach him the ropes, after all, he's a first year, someone has to keep the legacy after we leave" doyoung informed smirking ruffling junghwan's hair .

"im planning on asking mashiho" junkyu informed . "you're still going after him ????" hyunsuk surprisingly asked. "well yea..." he shyly smiled looking down.

"i asked one of the japanese students, he ignored me" jaehyuk chuckled .

"so, the rest of us are going as a group ?" yedam asked.

"actually... i also plan on going with mashiho"

"what ?..." junkyu asked frowning. "what the hell jihoon, i just said im going to, i've been having my eye out for h–"

"so you can play him ? i genuinely have something with him, im not some fuck boy who plays with peoples feelings & ghosts them out of nowhere. i like mashiho, i don't care if you've had it out for him since the beginning, so have i. & that's why im not letting you play with his feelings" jihoon spatted out.

"i genuinely like him, i mean it, unlike you i have the guts to do something" junkyu scoffed informing the older.

"HEY, knock it off" hyunsuk slightly yelled flickering the two's forehead with his fingers. "ouch~" they both groaned in pain.

"NONE of you are going with him, & if he asks one of you guys, say no, i don't care if either of you are having your first official crush, he's not worth your friendship. understood ?" hyunsuk informed crouching down to both of them.


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