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promise | pt.2

▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂the day after the 'study date'。

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the day after the 'study date'。

both the two boy's have been hanging out, they were doing another study date.

but this time at jihoon's place. "i have something i have to ask you"

"yes ?" mashiho smiled. "want to make a promise ?"

"what kind of promise ?"

"we both go to the carnival, together. look, i'll write it down." he smiled.

you're probably wondering how could jihoon forget about this promise ? he never did. he pretended to do so, he didn't want to lose his friendship with junkyu, he lost yoonbin, he didn't want to lose junkyu either.


"i know you promised to go with mashiho." hyunsuk bluntly stated

"what ?"

"don't act stupid, it fell off your binder, both you & mashiho signed it" jihoon was exposed, what more could he say ? hyunsuk isn't someone you can fool so easily with these things.

"listen, i already have doyoung talking to mashiho, he's gonna tell him to ask you, you're going to be with junkyu at the end of class right ?" he asked, jihoon nodded. "okay so if mashiho goes up to you, leave. knowing junkyu, he'll probably call him over, but he won't break the promise either."

"how are you so sure ?" he asked

"he's your best friend, your friendship means everything to him, same with you right ? i mean... you're really not going to throw away your best friend for some exchange student, right ?"

"yea, you're right..."

"as far as mashiho know's, you forget about the promise, that's why he's going to ask you, & therefor you're going to say no"

"if you go with mashiho do you know how painful that's gonna be to junkyu ?" in that moment jihoon realized he had to either except someone else to go with, or not go at all.

he didn't want to break his promise, he likes mashiho so much. he was torn... but at the end of it, he picked his best friend instead.

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